No I have not gotten the package yet. I have not gone to Brampton
still. We will be going there tomorrow though so no worries haha! I'll
get it then. Hey and FYI don't send anything else by mail. I got this
letter from the Mission Office saying to tell
you guys that so that I wouldn't still be getting things when I wasn't
here haha!
It sounds like you had a great week last week and that you are celebrating in the best of ways! That's super great to hear!
I'm doing so great right now! Ive been really praying and just
focusing on the precious time that I have left and its been incredible
to just work hard and feel the Lord in my life. The more I draw near to
the end, the more I feel the Lord thanking me for
what I have done and for everything that has been accomplished in my 2
year ministry out here in Ontario. Its been a great feeling to feel of
His love and appreciation in letting me know that my time that I have
spent has not been in vain, wasted nor unsuccessful
in His eyes. I'm grateful to feel of His love because its the only thing
that keeps me moving and going and helps me to really focus on whats
really important in life. It actually brings me to think of Pres.
Monson's talk "I Will Not Fail Thee Nor Forsake Thee"
when he says about the obstacles that he faced after the death of his
"Of utmost comfort to me during this tender time of parting have been my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and
the knowledge I have that my dear Frances lives still. I know that our
separation is temporary. We were sealed in the house
of God by one having authority to bind on earth and in heaven. I know
that we will be reunited one day and will never again be separated. This
is the knowledge that sustains me."
The Thing that has helped me more than anything over the last
little while has been my testimony that I know that God lives and that
His plan is of perfection. He really does have so much more to offer if
we just rely on Him and His timing with everything.
More often than not, we fall short of what we want to accomplish but I
know that through the Lord we can be brought up to the point that God
wants us to be at if we just rely on Him with it all.
This last week was quite a week of growth. We saw some incredible
things come our way and saw the missionaries really catch hold on whats
really important. In all my time as a missionary Ive never seen so much
growth and so much help from the Lord. He
is really moving the needle and pushing for growth out here in the field
and I know that He is doing it in all of the world right now. I was
watching a clip for Hastening the Work in Europe and Elder Dallin H.
Oaks said something that really stood out to me.
He said:
"When you are involved in the work of the Lord, the power behind you is always greater than the obstacles before you"
I have really come to know that that is true. I don't doubt it for a
single second. I know that even in the HARDEST of times, that the Lord
will enable us to overcome it. Its real. The Atonement works, i know
this because I have felt it in my life.
We are seeing some great things happening here in London. If
everything works out according to plan we should see a few people being
baptized on March 9. We have been working hard and the Lords been
placing the people in our paths. Its been ideal. I love
this work. I love God and love all that He's done for me. I'm so grateful
for my mission! I feel like we are working so hard that everything is
blending together and I cant think of anything specific to tell you ha ha
other than the fact that we are busting and
pounding the pavement and really just finishing strong!
I love you all so much! Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer