AHHHH!!!! :)))

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!... that sounds just wrong ha ha its not even
November ha ha... on that note yeah its not even November or the late
part of October and its absolutely FREEZING!!!! ha ha like I wear long
sleeves and a sweater daily and last night I rocked my Coat with a
beanie and scarf because it was so cold... yeah keep me in your
prayers.. So the Mindy is good stuff I promise.. If you have any Kalai
stuff I would love it too! But yeah thanks soooo much! I cant wait for
them :) I only have 1 Spanish book from before the mission... and its
that one that Sis Perkins told us to get and I have been reading it and
actually have almost finished it ha ha. its really good and actually
makes the learning soooo much easier! What other book did we buy??
I live right by the Church and the Temple in Brampton, about 3 or 4
minutes away so really close! Its sooo nice! I love it. I would be a
seminary teacher, it would be gnarly! ha ha

SO... This week was EPIC! Well for one we went to the temple... it
was beyond good and just soooo relaxing to get away and drink in the
Spirit.. I loved every single second. Conference was so good I cant
explain in words what it truly did for me. I feel so at peace knowing
we have people on this earth who can help us with what we truly need to
overcome in our lives and also just to feel God more! Conference out
here is really cool, we go, then we eat and look for people and go back
to more! It was a really fun experience! When they announced the thing
about the ages... Uh... I about lost it. There are going to be so many
missionaries! SO MANY! And especially Sisters... I cant believe it. I
was like, "Cars better turn his in soon, he BETTER!!!" haha I'm so glad
he is :) So when we went to the Temple this week, guess who I saw... the
one and Only Elder Steele ha ha it was way awesome to see him!
We were laughing and it was really so awesome! I miss the old guy Spanish is really
actually starting to feel good, I cant speak incredible but its starting
to come easier, I hope that eventually it will all come but... ha ha
yeah not going to happen in seconds right? "Life is not a race its a
journey" that was probably one of my favorite quotes from President
Uchtdorf. I love life and seriously its so true, it is what we make of
it... if we want it to be good, then heck. MAKE IT GOOD. I feel like its
Satan making us look for the bad rather than the blessings that we have
in our lives. We have so many if you take the time to BREATH, rather
than keep going throughout the days.
Elder Parker and I are getting along great, its been really fun and
we have been working hard. I believe that we will start seeing success
in these next couple of weeks, I hope that we are going to stay and get
some work done here! We haven't been teaching too many people but we are
slowly working up the list and right now we have found some solid
With the pictures I really don't know what to do with them... I have
tried so many ways! I just cant figure out how or why they wont send?
Its super confusing... I hope that
I can figure out something this time!
I know with all the certainty of my heart that God loves each and
everyone of us, and that we can feel PEACE when we go to Him and just
accept His will, not our own. I love you all so much. Take the time to
see the Lord's hand in your lives, don't just get caught up in the rush
of things. Some of the most amazing things in live come through time. I'm
so happy, and I hope you are too!
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :D
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