Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012 "ACT NOW"

First things first before I forget, yes I got the white watch I wear it all the time! Good thing about the plaque, I was worried that I wrote it wrong just because it didn't sound right at the time ha ha but I'm super glad about that! I'm not worried about Thanksgiving... ha ha I already feel like I had it... sooo.... :) ha ha! I will look out for those 2 boxes!!! and.... last but not least... I might be checking out coats soon ha ha... its seriously bone chilling cold out here. its a joke. But on to the week!!!! :)
Really good week up here in the Mystical land of London! The Best way I can tell this week is in a few stories... Bear with me family and friends because you all know me well and know that my stories are weird and sometimes I  forget what I am talking about half way through... sooo if you get lost... umm.. good luck :)
So in our apartment we had a bike... one old school lonely bike... And we really really wanted to ride before it gets deathly cold outside so we started asking to see if any other missionaries had bikes. We got them and it was so gnarly! it was way fun just cruisin around and what not until I hit the point of no return on the old Sports induced asthma o meter ha ha. I was seriously heaving and I remember stopping to talk to someone and thinking "Thank you God for putting someone here for the soul purpose of time to breathe." and I started talking and absolutely could not because I was heaving.. the lady ended up being like "Don't worry take your time" ha ha because it was super crappy ha ha I couldn't breathe because of that, the cold weather, and I was sick!!!!! Mom I thought that you said the first born never gets sick..... I have gotten sick twice in 2 months here ha ha I still am sick and I haven't been able to breathe through my nose hahaha! oh well, back on subject... Well actually that's all I had for the bikes, not really that cool, but It was because I got to ride a bike for the first time in years ha ha and its true what they say "Once you know how to do it, its like ridin a bike" I was crusin and felt like I should be chillin in a sandbox with Sailor and Braden I was laughing so hard!!! But still way cool haha! Umm... when I got sick I was able to... well it wasn't fun! but I lost my voice on top of that and it really was awful.. I couldn't talk ha ha I felt so bad because it was on exchanges with the Chinese elders and I was trying to talk to Asians who can barely speak English as it is and then here I come with my creepy raspy voice ha ha, sounded like Carsen in the good old days yeah? I loved it.
I think the best part was that we got to have a meeting and learn more from President Scott and learn more ways to improve ourselves... I want you all to know that the only way we can come unto the Savior is through action... ACTION... I was looking in the dictionary random words and I thought those potential missionaries would like this... Representative- is one who represents someone else, through ACTION.. so what is action? Action- is to act, to do something. well obviously, but what is an act- an act is to accomplish something, usually over a period of time and usually repetitively, a thing done.
E' Beyer, what are you getting at?? says everyone reading this....
This is what. As missionaries we are representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ... We have been called to "Cry Repentance" and we do that by INVITING people to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the Restored Gospel...Invite is a verb.. its an action. Action is what needs to take place and what we must do to be Representatives... The action over a long period of time is to BAPTIZE THE NATIONS... Future missionaries... prepare yourselves now because you wont have enough time if you don't come out already Spiritual Giants... ACT NOW. STUDY NOW. PREPARE NOW.

Others... We are all Disciples of Jesus Christ. Live the Gospel, Learn it. LOVE IT. We all have room for improvement, "No man can be saved in Ignorance" always strive to improve what we are, to become someone that our Lord needs us to become.
I love you all so much. My time is running out. But I love you. Work hard. Strive for the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and ACT NOW to follow the Lord.
Forever and Always,

Elder Beyer :)

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