Elder Brock Beyer is famous....check out this link.
So with the shirts, yeah that sounds perfectly fine for me! You can
just send them if you want... it might be easier that way... I dunno!
Also I will go and buy some pants today, just some really cheap ones to
be good summer pants for proselyting ha ha!
I hope that it will all work out good ill use my CREDIT CARD for that
one OK? It sounds like everything was a success ha ha its funny seeing
that picture of me and troy because I only see from one angle and now I
can see what it looks like from your side ha ha
that's great! I hope that you guys are really doing good and I'm sorry
that this letter is not long ha ha I have honestly nothing to say... I
said it all yesterday :) I loved seeing you all and just seeing how much
everyone has grown up! It amazes me at times
to see the growth that occurs in such short time of people and
especially when its within the walls of your own family! It was WAY
cool talking to troy and randy in Spanish ha ha that was way weird! but
its going to be cool in the future with it all! I love
you so much I hope you know that, and I hope that you know that I am so
grateful for all that you do for me. Its great to be a missionary when
you have such a great family that you don't have to worry about them!
Stay strong and smile and things will work out
:) love you!
Forever and Always
Elder B. Beyer
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