ALRIGHT... the humidity here is DISGUSTING hahah.. like I cant
stand it at all hahah! its SOOOO bad!!!! To the point where you NEVER
ever EVER feel like you are clean or not sweating ha ha I feel like every
moment of the day I'm just drenched in some nastiness...
but other than that Barrie is "Barrie GOOD" hahaha ;);) (that's the
little Spanish motto I brought out here ha ha everyone uses it now
ha ha!!!)
The Cabin and everything seems like it went really well and seems
like it was a good time! I'm so glad to hear and see that! Ha ha you guys
all look really good ha ha! I loved seeing all of you and everything else
ha ha!
I am doing "follow-ups". A normal thing for a Zone Leader. |
Funny information my companion and I are like twins... fraternal
twins that is ha ha... We are different looking but like our past lives
are identical hahah! He has 4 boys, I do too... He calls his mom Tar
Bear, mine Kar Bear... His mom sings love at home,
you sing love at home (that's when the boys fight hahaha) its honestly
sooo funny! we just laugh at random stuff like that ALL the time. We
just feed off the vibes and energy hard core!
This week was pretty intense haha first off... um there was a
tornado haha! It like was going to hit Barrie haha! So we had to just go
inside for a minute and what not until the rain stopped but then went
back out haha there was like a for sure crazy thing
Ha. There were like floods and stuff haha it was so funny tracting for a
while in there haha! The people thought we were completely NUTS haha!!

Coolest experience of the week.. So we have been just looking right
and left to be finding a family. That is like the missionary DREAM!!! To find a family. So we were looking and one day we found this lady (
like 2 weeks ago ) and her and her family were
going to be moving soon. What we didn't know at the time was they were
praying to be able to find a way to move.. well as missionaries we were
like "HEY CAN WE HELP??" ha ha and shes like "no that's fine.. but stop by
later..." well 2 weeks later we stop on by
again... this time they have loaded everything in and we met her
husband! We asked "HEY CAN WE HELP YOU MOVE??" and he was VERY sarcastic
with us and acted like he didn't need our help. He was like "oh yeah in
your shirts and ties! lets rip um off and load this
S o B!" haha... and we were like... "K man. Tomorrow work?" and he was
like "No guys I was kidding.. yadda yadda yaddaa" but we insisted. We
were like, NOPE. we are coming back and helping... Well turns out that
He also had been praying to find help to be able
to move.. and they really really were desperate but didn't want to ask
for it. Well the next day, they were SHOCKED that we ended up coming!
Well we whipped it all out in hours haha not that long, they thought it
would take like... 4 maybe 5 and we unloaded the
majority in like 2 haha. I felt like I was back in football conditioning
haha! I missed it so much!!!!! you have no idea haha! But it was good.
You could definitely see a change in the family, especially with just
listening and feeling the Spirit! We had a lesson
with them the other day... and we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and
how doing the simple things are just how we can come to know the truth.
We taught the mother how to pray by using a pray card and it was
just the simple stuff "dear Heavenly Father,
thank you for..., we ask thee for..., in the name of Jesus Christ Amen." It was probably 30 seconds long... and after she said it... The Spirit
bore POWERFUL witness of the power of Prayer. She just sat there and the
Spirit just worked on her... it was incredible.
My testimony grew immediately and I knew that the Lord was with us,
right there and just was hugging her. I know that prayers can be
answered. My companion gave a talk on it the other day... without prayer
and scriptures, Joseph Smith wouldn't have come to know
the truth, they are the foundation of our testimonies and our witnesses
of the Savior.
I know that the Church is true. I know that prayers can be
answered... I challenge and invite every single one of you to pray and
ask God for guidance and I promise He will give it to you.
Let me know if there is anything that I can do for you! I love you
Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer
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