Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012 "I AM STOKED"

Mommy :) heyyy!!! Everyone elseee heyyy :)
I AM STOKED to talk to you!!!!! So details.. I will be calling you Christmas Eve to be able to set something up for CHRISTMAS... I am just trying to figure out who for sure we are eating with.. Every member has said we can come and use it so we are solid! :) SKYPE... not call.. SKYPE!!!! but I will give you a call later :)

So my new companion is named Elder Angulo, he is not new, he is pretty old in the mission field but he is a really good guy. He has definitely been helping me out with the Spanish, that's for sure haha! He is originally from Venezuela, but he left there when he was like 9ish... so he speaks English perfectly ha ha... But he only speaks to me for the most part in Spanish.. its been tough, but its helping me improve. Just pushing everyday to climb those challenges with EVERYTHING... I think some times, normally as human beings, look at a mountain and realize "wow.. that's big.." and it slows our progression... We know that we can climb it, but we undermine our sense of optimism with pessimistic views such as "it will take to long" or "UHHHH"... when the whole time we could be CLIMBING... The challenge does not present itself, until we present it... If we never look upon anything as hard, well heck... IT WONT BE! I have had to apply this in every sense of mission work, and that doesn't necessarily mean i have perfected it, because i still look at mountains and get lost with them going so high that that top is covered in clouds... But I know that if we just hold to the word of God, and his peace, they will guide us to the top.
I have really been fortunate to be serving in the same location... I LOVE LONDON... haha I really love it so much! its one of the most beautiful city's! It has a HUGE downtown, but its got like a small city feel! In a way its like SLC but its missing two crucial things... 1 the temple and 2 THE MOUNTAINS... but other than that its pretty similar haha! I really don't have too much to say this week... I'm really sorry haha... but... I want each and everyone of you to know that God lives. Jesus is in fact the Christ of whom prophets of old testified would come to save the world. He is in fact REAL and REALLY LOVES US... In this season we have been sharing a message of Christ... I want to share a brief part of it with you...
Jesus Christ is the "The Life and Light of the world" He truly lives and wants us to walk back on His trail and to be able to get back to Him... Christmas is full of symbolism... Why do we get presents? Why Christmas lights? Why is it called Christmas? haha... It all leads back to Christ... His birth, His ministry... When they wise men came, what did they follow? THE STAR... or the LIGHT.... What did they give Jesus?? PRESENTS.... It all makes sense... Christmas, is meant for us to be like Him... I love you all... I hope each of you know that... I want each of you to personally know that I cant express my love for you into words because true love is indescribable... But my love for you, is in fact NOTHING compared to what Jesus Christ has for each of you.. Always remember the quote "What would Jesus Do?" Especially in this time...
Silly little quote that I learned in 2nd grade that I'll never forget...
"Good, Better, Best. Never let it rest, til your good is your better, and your better is your BEST!" Be the BEST you can be. Never be satisfied with OK.
I Love You.
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :D

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 11, 2012 "I'm Staying"

Three.... Two..... ONE.....
I'M STAYING!!!!!! :) :) :)
I really am SO Happy ha ha! Things are looking way good here, I have never gotten a phone call that hasn't said that I'm the one getting out of there! It was really weird when President Scott called and said I'm still in London... CRAZY... Whats even weirder is watching Elder Vanderstel pack up! ha ha its super weird... I have never had it happen ha ha... Its crazy... He is off to Niagara Falls, and I'm here with a new NATIVE speaker! Hopefully I can finally get a better grasp on this crazy language ha ha. I am thinking that things are going to be awesome here shortly! I cant wait to see what happens!
I haven't opened my presents yet, don't worry :) they are still under our 1 foot Christmas tree! ha ha AWESOMEEEE :)
Oh I forgot to say that the New coat is GNARLY ha ha its SUPER warm! and its super good looking! I love it, it feels so good to wear too! Uhhh! I still cant believe that I'm staying here ha ha. But I'm really really happy.
I'm also excited that we are going to get some SUSHI today! yep... that's right... I think its funny how many weird things I have tried out here because its so darn diverse! Last week we ate at a Chinese, like REAL Chinese place... Oh My Gosh... SO GROSSS.... ha ha there was like liver and tongue... I thought right back to Poppa Steve and him in Korea... I see why he ate only bread.... Granted its different, COMPLETELY... BUT still... I see how he got a little pudgy ;) ha ha.. Oh just sooo yaaa knowww... I have lost weight :) I have been eating better and I weight almost 180 now, I'm glad ha ha I was getting a belly for a little bit! But really I am so happy... Not just because I am staying but because I'm on a mission.... There are plenty of times in my life that I will be able to do things for as long as I want and where I want, with who I want.... BUT that makes it easy... Because its choice... Here on a mission you choose almost nothing.... But its AWESOME... crazy how that works huh? You basically choose to limit yourself, to push yourself to grow... and whats even crazier is, it WORKS.... I'm so grateful for this chance I have to serve.... Its flying by... uhh... so weird ha ha I cant believe I will be talking to you... seems like yesterday we were at the MTC ha ha... But I know that this work is real.. I do.
Something really cool I thought that you would all like to know, is our mission president is the best one in the world ha ha. This year, for Christmas and New Years, we will be having a 24 hour read a thon of the Book of Mormon!!! Why?? because, how many people want to be talking to us on those days... SOBER too... Not many... ha ha.... So instead of just wasting time, we will be gaining a stronger testimony of the keystone of our religion!!! How awesome is that??!! in total time we have about 28 hours to read the entire Book of Mormon, cover to cover... AHHH!!! I'm excited :) ha ha I really think this is going to be a bonding memory and a great way to come even closer to the reason we are here!!
Family... I'm sorry that this letter is not too great... But I'm pretty happy about it ha ha... I want you all to know that Jesus Christ LIVES.... I have not an ounce of doubt in my mind about that... HE LIVES.... Every opportunity that you each have to serve some one else, take advantage of it... DO IT... Put Christ into Christmas. If you do, you will experience something beyond presents... You will have the gift of Joy in your life. I love you. Work to be the best you can be... NEVER SETTLE FOR JUST OK... 
Forever and Always,

Elder Beyer :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012 "Hit by a Car"

So I didn't get a coat yet... but I used the credit card!!! I had to buy inhalers... I was dying ha ha!!! I got the emergency one and also the one that I take twice a day to reduce everything down so I don't need them! All I have to say is to tell Blair to keep true to the stache hahah that's DOPE! I love staches.. I wanna grow one :( once I can I will though! But nope, ma your one week off... We will know next week if we are here or not! Close though! I really don't know what to think.. So I don't hahah I just will do whatever is best ya know?? Guess what... Piano is SLOWLY coming back! I can read really slowly and it most of the time is really crappy but its a process like everything good in life. 
Honestly this week was not as great as expected... We had 3 really solid investigators at the start and now we have 0 ha ha... its how it goes sometimes out here... But we are really working hard to get some new people and I know that the Lord will help... so I will keep you posted on how everyone is doing when we find them! 
Quick things... One I got so much stuff in the mail the other day ha ha I got all of your stuff and yeah I'm stoked to do open them up :) ha ha but yeah it was really cool to see all of that stuff! Also we ate at that Spanish place "El Ranchito" and I swear there is a picture in there that we have in our house ha ha I took a picture with it! so you tell me if i was right! 

Lastly, haha funny story... So we were riding bikes again and we were going across town right.. and we were at a T intersection with lights directing everything. and we were crossing over the bottom part of one intersection if that makes sense and the through street (top of the T) was green... so we had the clear to go.. well Elder Vanderstel was leading the way right hahaha... I'm sorry its so funny haha and there was this lady trying to turn RIGHT.... and we were coming from that way... and she was looking ONLY LEFT... because it was one lane only.. well he gets about half way out and guess who doesn't see him.... if you guess the car you are corrrrrecccctt ha ha! He got... I wouldn't say rammed cause he went from up on the bike directly to the ground... but he got hit pretty hard Ha... and he got up and was totally good.. and we were laughing SO hard afterward cause it was seriously so awkward looking and just sooooo crazy!! ! HE GOT HIT BY A STINKIN CAR!!!! It was living proof that God is watching over us... it was a funny experience cause he walked away... FINE... we played soccer after wards.... he played... seriously that's proof enough that this church is true.. and we need to be here... I love you... Sorry this letter stinks... but know that this Gospel is true. BECOME CONVERTED and find JOY... Loves...
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :))

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012 "Follow Him"

Hey there!!!
Hows it going?? So right of the bat, Things with the comp are incredibly good, we are working hard. He is a champion ha ha. We are working hard, talking to tons of people and things will work out.. its just on the Lord's time now right?
I need a couple of favors... 1. tell Jan to tell Landon to hook me up with some native script cases hahah... unless he doesn't want to :/... 2. what is t Mitch's address??!!! I need to write him!!!!!! and this is really really dumb of me... but you know those planners i sent home? umm.. if you can... can you send them back?? Just the ones that say 1 2 and 3 on them.. not the MTC ones.... yeah I don't know why I sent them home because they can still help me now ha ha... SORRY!!!!
SOOo... Listen here... while you all were having a great time at the Cabin.. you ALL missed out on the BEST Thanksgiving feast EVER haha. I went to a place called El Ranchito and scarfed down some nice Latin grub. I still remember when you guys complained about that one Thanksgiving in Las Vegas where you ate at taco bell... I don't know why you did?! Spanish food on thanksgiving is INCREDIBLE!!! haha.... oh wait... I know why... cause my food was actually real and not instant death in a bag... my bad. haha but still really awesome week! 
Get  a load of this! You know how at some parking garages there is like a gate that goes up and down?? yeah so we were there and it wasn't working... SO we were trying to figure it out.. and then it opened but we didn't get our ticket... but you need the ticket to get out... so we were waiting and this lady was flipping out behind us! sooo we were like um... OK?? and she was like "GO!! GET YOUR TICKET LATER!!!!!" So we went... and she tried to follow behind us.. well it didn't really work out and she plowed down the thing, then she got out and skuzzed us HARD, and then just walked away... did nothing about it hahah I will send a picture to let you understand more hahah. But crazy huh??? Some people :/....
We have been really working hard here in the great land of London. Its been really really really cold.. umm... its super hard to get used to. It eats your soul. But its starting to snow!!! its crazy!! I have been here for every season now! I cant believe that. And on top of that, I'm freezing now and everyone says its not even cold yet!!! UH... Mom, you and your blasted cold genes are spreading off on me ha ha. You get cold so easily, and now its happening to me!!! I FREEZE ha ha.. Hopefully I survive this winter...
I hope this doesn't ruin anything with Blair bear and his lady friend, but tell um to get hitched already. He has to beat Troy on this suspenseful race ha ha!! I'll hook him up with some "loonies and toonies" (that's Canadian money) just so he can be L Roy aka the moose! Just let me know man.
Back to a serious note..
I think the greatest part about everything is just went you stop worrying... You see so many people try to fix things that don't need fixing.. or trying to adjust the mission (OR LIFE) to finally fit their standards of living... We never should do that. There are guidelines for a reason.. we should live by them... The Gospel, and everything about it doesn't need adjusting. We need to adjust ourselves. With life.. There are no limits to happiness, there are guidelines to make it easier though... we still have the choice of Agency, but how often do we use it for the right? Once we are off the path, its harder to find the signs back... but its still possible... Don't make your own trails in life, but follow the way of the Savior, with His ways we know that we will make it to the destination safely, but if we make our own trails we are more likely to get lost. FOLLOW HIM. you wont regret it.
I love you all so much... I am SO sad that I cant see you and be with you... its not fun... BUT if we all follow the path of the Savior we don't need to worry... Families are eternal and so are friendships... Please stay on the path so that no matter what happens, we'll at least have eternity right?? :)
I love you all. Stay happy. Strong. and SMILE :D
Love you forever and Always,

Elder Beyer

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012 "ACT NOW"

First things first before I forget, yes I got the white watch I wear it all the time! Good thing about the plaque, I was worried that I wrote it wrong just because it didn't sound right at the time ha ha but I'm super glad about that! I'm not worried about Thanksgiving... ha ha I already feel like I had it... sooo.... :) ha ha! I will look out for those 2 boxes!!! and.... last but not least... I might be checking out coats soon ha ha... its seriously bone chilling cold out here. its a joke. But on to the week!!!! :)
Really good week up here in the Mystical land of London! The Best way I can tell this week is in a few stories... Bear with me family and friends because you all know me well and know that my stories are weird and sometimes I  forget what I am talking about half way through... sooo if you get lost... umm.. good luck :)
So in our apartment we had a bike... one old school lonely bike... And we really really wanted to ride before it gets deathly cold outside so we started asking to see if any other missionaries had bikes. We got them and it was so gnarly! it was way fun just cruisin around and what not until I hit the point of no return on the old Sports induced asthma o meter ha ha. I was seriously heaving and I remember stopping to talk to someone and thinking "Thank you God for putting someone here for the soul purpose of time to breathe." and I started talking and absolutely could not because I was heaving.. the lady ended up being like "Don't worry take your time" ha ha because it was super crappy ha ha I couldn't breathe because of that, the cold weather, and I was sick!!!!! Mom I thought that you said the first born never gets sick..... I have gotten sick twice in 2 months here ha ha I still am sick and I haven't been able to breathe through my nose hahaha! oh well, back on subject... Well actually that's all I had for the bikes, not really that cool, but It was because I got to ride a bike for the first time in years ha ha and its true what they say "Once you know how to do it, its like ridin a bike" I was crusin and felt like I should be chillin in a sandbox with Sailor and Braden I was laughing so hard!!! But still way cool haha! Umm... when I got sick I was able to... well it wasn't fun! but I lost my voice on top of that and it really was awful.. I couldn't talk ha ha I felt so bad because it was on exchanges with the Chinese elders and I was trying to talk to Asians who can barely speak English as it is and then here I come with my creepy raspy voice ha ha, sounded like Carsen in the good old days yeah? I loved it.
I think the best part was that we got to have a meeting and learn more from President Scott and learn more ways to improve ourselves... I want you all to know that the only way we can come unto the Savior is through action... ACTION... I was looking in the dictionary random words and I thought those potential missionaries would like this... Representative- is one who represents someone else, through ACTION.. so what is action? Action- is to act, to do something. well obviously, but what is an act- an act is to accomplish something, usually over a period of time and usually repetitively, a thing done.
E' Beyer, what are you getting at?? says everyone reading this....
This is what. As missionaries we are representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ... We have been called to "Cry Repentance" and we do that by INVITING people to come unto Christ, by helping them receive the Restored Gospel...Invite is a verb.. its an action. Action is what needs to take place and what we must do to be Representatives... The action over a long period of time is to BAPTIZE THE NATIONS... Future missionaries... prepare yourselves now because you wont have enough time if you don't come out already Spiritual Giants... ACT NOW. STUDY NOW. PREPARE NOW.

Others... We are all Disciples of Jesus Christ. Live the Gospel, Learn it. LOVE IT. We all have room for improvement, "No man can be saved in Ignorance" always strive to improve what we are, to become someone that our Lord needs us to become.
I love you all so much. My time is running out. But I love you. Work hard. Strive for the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and ACT NOW to follow the Lord.
Forever and Always,

Elder Beyer :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012 "Don't Quit the Piano"

Yoolaa Commoo estaasss??
WHATS UP? ha ha this week was a much better one. I am in the swing of things and I LOVE IT. haha in every area I have kind of relied on the other companion to find our way around and to be able to know basically everything... NOT HERE ha ha.. starting from scratch here has been really fun. At first really hard... REALLY hard. But it was for a reason, I have come to know my Father in Heavens power... and ability to help me with anything. Soo 2 things before I forget, on Pday I can play piano... I want to play and learn some songs.. if you could send me the sheet music of "a river flows in you" I already know it but there are parts I need to finish and "Death of dumbledore" by John Schmidt is the composer on that one. I just really want to have a couple of really spiritually uplifting songs to play whenever, preferably at baptisms :) ha ha that would be incredible! umm.. things are truly starting to pick up... we have found lots more people and have been finding such prepared people!!! Last night we found a guy named Moses and he is SOO prepared... really I cant wait to see what happens with him. It was the last contact of the day too... uhh.. the Lord tests us sooo much haha. But I love this place. The ward is really so cool! Its a Branch, I got to bear my testimony yesterday ha ha, all in Spanish and the elder that left here was the pianist... so I was a big let down haha... so I'm saying this now, CADEN BUBBA AND COUSINS... DON'T QUIT THE PIANO. If you already have then start back up again. I kid you not it is the coolest thing ever. take advantage of your young knowledge to learn quickly. You will not regret being incredible at such a cool thing. I wish I would have still played. I love it. I have a random question, on my plaque in the church does it say the "Canada Toronto Mission" or the "Toronto Canada Mission" because the first one is the correct one... and I hope it says that ha ha its random but I will explain why the thought came into my head later. 
The branch is really so cool, the President is President Allison and he is gnarly, he is super young and a returned missionary from Honduras. He is way cool and guess where his wife served her mission... France and at that time she covered Carsens area... and E Vanderstels mom... Same place haha. Carsen is going to have such a sick mission. really soooo sick... But not as cool as the CTM ;)
I want to share some personal experiences about this last week... We were struggling to know what to do, but now we have goals and we are working towards them.. We taught 2 lessons this week where I seriously walked out of the lesson, on such a spiritual high that I really didn't even know what to think about... and whats funny is my Spanish has gotten A LOT better these past 2 transfers because I need to talk a lot more... BUT whats crazier is that yeah its better... BUT its nothing without the Spirit... ha ha I mean I can get by with my own knowledge... but in lessons, when the Spirit is there.. Psshh I don't know what is going on half of the time ha ha seriously... Like things get explained, the people are touched by the Spirit... its seriously the best feeling.. to feel a force work through you and see people seriously get touched by it. There is nothing like it. I love when I can see the look in someones eyes, when you ask a question and then it clicks and the Spirit just works on them. This last week was a big testimony builder of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how when we use those principles in our lives we see the blessings. Faith was the biggest concept to them all... Just quick run downs.. There is a recent convert named Jose. He was going to be deported to Colombia... because of prayer and faith they are staying now... His wife wants to be baptized and his son came to church for the first time last week... there is another lady named Nubia... she committed to baptism... and then we are starting to find potentials... We are SO blessed to have what we have to work with right now. The Lord truly loves each and everyone of us with a passion. I cant wait to see what the future has in store for London Spanish. 
I love you all so much. I want you to know this if nothing else... That the Lord loves us. We are given chances to grow and once we come unto Him through the principles of the Gospel we can find the most success ever. If we have FAITH, and we REPENT of whatever we have done and take upon ourselves His name through BAPTISM or a renewal through  the SACRAMENT, and strive for the HOLY GHOST as a guide and ENDURE TO THE END... holy cow... the world is limitless when you have God as a teammate, as your coach and as your friend... its limitless. I know without doubt that God lives and loves us. Live the Gospel and you will find Joy.
I love you all.
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012 "I'm Training"

HEyyy HeYY hEYY!
 How the heck are all of you?! I cant believe Carsen's call at all! Not one bit ha ha... this week has been a really slow one, and I think that is partially the reason why! I have been wanting to know SOOOO bad ha ha! I know that he's going to love it! and I know that he is learning french so that he can teach me it in 2! because I'm going to be learning like 10 ha ha they are so rewarding and you feel so cool when you can some what communicate! I was hoping that he was going Chinese.... DANG IT!!!! ha ha but still his mission is gnarly! In the Alps basically! That's intense stuff eh? So... Crazy stuff right here. I got my package finally!!! AWESOME :) I loved every second of it! I'm sad that I wasn't with Elder Parker to give it to him ha ha and to show him all of that stuff especially because of this!!!! OK so Derek is serving with an Elder Wheelwright?? Wanna know something crazy ha ha? He was Elder Parker's comp in the MTC! I know it, ask Liz if he is a Ginger, if so I'm right! Such a small world when your Mormon haha! But its been really fun this week... and SLOW.
I came into this area replacing an Elder who has been serving here for about 9 months.... Long I know... I came in and now... well I have not one clue whats going on and on top of that I'm training. SO GNARLY. It was hard this last week because I had not the slightest idea of what to do, or where anything was... The first day we dropped off everything and just started walking the city ha ha. I love London. Its so pretty and UH.. If I HAD to live in Canada I would live in London. No joke its so cool! But things are really going to get good I can feel it! The Apartment its sweet! We have a nice view, we have weights, bench press and lots! ha ha yeah I work out again, no big deal. But I think without a doubt the coolest thing is just how much I have come unto the Lord. I really had no idea what to do... I think I spent more time on my knees than standing... And then something occurred.. this other elder was in the Hospital and his comp was on splits with us, so I volunteered to stay with him... Yep... I took like 10 area books and maps and everything and started away at them. I was with him for about 4 or 5 hours? and now I know what we are going to do... we are going through every single person from the past and going until we find someone prepared to hear the Gospel. Its going to be INTENSE ha ha. But I'm really excited. I know its going to work. President has been saying to do it, and I prayed and the Lord said yep.. so now its on!
My comp is Elder Vanderstel, he is from San Diego California and he is a really cool guy ha ha I like him a lot. I know for a fact we were set up together for a reason and we are going to grow from it. I know it. He reminds me of Kevin Richardson so much ha ha he acts like him, he is funny. But we really do have our differences... which is fine. The more the merrier, the more we can grow and learn right? I have a feeling like things are going to work out soon. I also feel that this area and this companion are going to make me grow the most on my mission! I'm training for crying out loud ha ha I never thought that I would be doing that! But I'm really excited. My biggest goals are to help him know Spanish better, speak only Spanish soon, to set a 110% obedience with him and to get a baptism. We are going to do it ha ha. I really don't know what to write about because there is not much to say... besides that last week was hard, but I know that my Savior lives. I think that I got into the rhythm of yeah he is there, and didn't put all of my heart to him even when I was comfortable. ALWAYS, put your heart on the line in your prayers. He will answer them. 
That package was great ha ha I love Caden haha. I miss him, he is so weird yeah I'm talking about the picture and wearing my clothes... NBD... But the CD'S were good! I almost cried when I heard Homeward Bound... its hands down my favorite song by them... even when I wasn't all for the church I would listen to that song for peace... and it would bring it... and when I heard it I KNEW everything would be OK. The Lord loves us. I can testify of that. I wouldn't still be out here if that were the case ha ha. I want you all to know a lesson I learned this week. When a trial is placed before us, don't say "WHY" . Look at it and say "THANK YOU" . Its a blessing. A trial, is used as a way to grow. How are we ever to grow, when we aren't tested?? Trick question eh? You cant. The trials in our lives are for purpose, they will often result in rewards if we look at them correctly. But most of all they will make us find our Savior. I know without a doubt in my heart that God the Father and His son love us. I don't doubt it. We truly are never alone when we walk in the ways of the Lord. He is ALWAYS, there. I hope you are all staying positive... and its funny because I say to be, and then last week I wasn't at the start... and I was a hypocrite... then I realized that and guess what... I was trying to be positive... and funny thing is it WORKS. DO IT. ha ha Satan tries to make it seem easier to not be, he's a joke. Don't let him win. Stay HAPPY and SMILE ALWAYS :) THINGS WILL WORK OUT.
I love you all so much, keep up the letters I love them! They keep me pushing. Have an awesome week!
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012 "I'm Gone"

MOMMA!!! and I guess everyone else ha ha
Well.... I'm gone... :( I'm out of yet another area really fast ha ha... Um I have been really hoping that I would be here and really hoping that all would work out but hey... didn't really do as I had expected... I'm going to a place called London, and its in the Southwestern part of Ontario?? I believe?? and I'm going to be follow up training, which means... well in training you have 2 transfers, and followup training is when the person doesn't finish training because their trainer moves away... sooo I'm going to be a trainer in a way ha ha! That's pretty cool! Right now I'm... ehh... I'm good. I was pretty sad at first. Because Elder Parker and I have been really getting along and I feel just so happy about this area! But last night we were waiting right, and our district leader called and said they got transferred... SO we ASSUMED that that meant we were safe because they call by districts! and so we were waiting and writing in the journals ( oh by the way I bought a new journal and its awesome! Sorry its a little late notice on the Card ha ha! Buy Carsen one without lines... because you can choose if you want to write really big or really small! I love it :) ) and then... all of a sudden... FJKDLSB:IVBH:JKBVS: (vibrate of phone) and it was an unknown number and Elder Parker answered and sure enough... I'm leaving. I'm a little stressed... BUT I'm really getting better! NO WORRIES ha ha! I still haven't gotten my package... the mail here is really AWFUL ha ha and that's another reason why I don't have you send mail to my addresses because I move so much that I would lose seriously all of my mail ha ha!
SO this last week... I just have some quick stories... Probably my favorite things that I have been doing is that I have been really getting into studying! Weird right? I get like brain highs ha ha my brain loves it! I wish I would have figured this out sooner! But the only way I get them is when I study things I like! Soo... Out here is like Spanish and DEEP Doctrine haha. Weird yes, but the Deeper the better! IT makes religion so much cooler! ha ha Spanish is really picking up faster and I understand and can talk quite a bit now, I'm still not good but I'm getting there! Ask Randy what part of Venezuela he served in because I have met people from there but every time I say "Oh en serio? Mi Tio servio su mision alla!" they always ask what part and well... I have not the slightest clue ha ha I always just say "I forgot" or "I don't remember" ha ha but yeah!
The next best thing, was that we were able to see the primary program.... Soo... I have seen 2 since being out, 1 for mothers day and then this one... and this was in Spanish... it was SOO insane. I LOVED it... It was just like the ones back home but in Spanish and sooo cute ha ha! I love the programs in the wards! There is NOTHING, like the Spirit of a little kid... they are so cute and they are the closest ones to our Heavenly Father, I know that for a fact! It was a renewal of Spiritual energy for sure!
HAHA there was this one contact that Elder Parker and I had... His name was Bob (Great name huh? Hint hint grandpa :) ) but it was really funny, because the first thing he said was "Mormons? NOPE. Not going to convince me!" and was not interested... but because we were ourselves ha ha... by the end he was shaking our hands with BOTH of his and saying "God bless you! Pass by anytime!!" ha ha it was sooo funny! He said he wants Mitt Romney to win! because he hates the "Communist Obama". Politics of the States are talked more about here then there... that's for sure ha ha
Lastly, We were able to do this thing for a little bit with the Zone Leaders haha... Sooo... If you have read the book "Our Search for Happiness" by M. Russell Ballard it was like this! 30 or so Baptist members wanted to know more about us MORMONS, and we were able to talk to them! We were there for only a short time but the Zone Leaders went and talked at their church and everything and then we came and helped out at ours! Well... They showed them the Restoration... and well right after that it was like an instant Bible bash fest ha ha they were throwing down questions right and left and getting pretty heated at some points! it was really a one of a kind experience ha ha that's for sure! There was a guy from England who spoke Spanish! It was quite the accent hahaha but he was a really awesome guy!
I'm worried if I'm going to survive this winter or not... its seriously SO cold already haha, the wind eats your bones like a wolf after a rabbit... I walked outside today and the only thing that kept me motivated at it was because I wanted to email you hahah :) I know that things are hard at times but seriously I have a testimony from just barely that you can get through it with the love of your family... and your God! I feel happy right now, only because of prayer and because i have been blessed to have you all in my life.
"Smooth Waters don't make a skilled Sailor"
ha ha this was in Presidents email today... Its so true... When its easy.. You don't grow! That's why the Lord moves me every single transfer ha ha. He knows I have plenty of growing to do! ha ha stay happy! Be positive, BE YOURSELF and TELL ME WHERE CARS IS GOING :) :) I'm feeling either Hong Kong, Taiwan, or CANADA TORONTO MANDARIN!!!!
I love you so much! Remember that, Eh?
Love forever and always,
Elder Beyer :P

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012 "Stay Committed"

Whats goin on?? I'm glad you liked the card ha ha I loved it! No not yet with the package... I think it will be there today though! Ha ha I KNEW, Josh was going to Mexico. It was like the most obvious feeling I have ever felt ha ha. Cars is going Mandarin. I know it. ha ha So with Christmas stuff... Seriously the only thing I might want is to sent P Day clothes home and just get new tracting pants that I buy out here! EASY :) ha ha because I have like Way too many p-day things.. you need like none. You never wear normal clothes ha ha. So I just want to have nothing at all so in my suitcases its super easy to get around!
Jeez.. I don't think that I deserve that much credit with T Mitch... HE is the one who read, HE is the one who prayed and HE is the one who changed... and the SPIRIT of the LORD told him it was all the truth ha ha... I just told him to read ha ha. But I love him soo much. I really cant believe that he said that much. I was tearing up for sure in the Library, I think people were thinking "Man Mormons are weird!" ha ha but oh well... I means a lot that he said that. Give him a kiss for me ;)
This week was really really sweet! It was a different one for sure ha ha. We passed by loads of people and really didn't find too many, but it was an improvement! We got 3 people at church so that was really good too! We are really trying to do everything that we can and its definitely starting to pay off! I'll say this much, you can feel a different in your life when you obey God, and when you don't... Even the littlest of things will let you know that He left you or not. Its so intense. STRIVE FOR THE SPIRIT. Its sooo AWESOME. seriously though. I love the Spirit. I have had many chances to live with it. Many chances and the hardest thing is listening to EVERY prompting. Its super hard but its getting there!
I don't have too many crazy things for ya this week but I do have some stories haha.. So the first one. As a missionary you have things called District Meetings... (have a RM explain  so I don't have to ;) ) And after you usually go out and eat. Well this one day it was only us and another companionship and we went to this place called RD's... Its a BBQ place... So we went and were having a good time for sure and were getting ready and I ordered this thing that the other Missionaries told me to get... "The Mammoth Poutine" which is 6.5 pounds of fries, pulled pork, gravy, and cheese... well you know where this is going... especially with my appetite.. 6.5 pounds later and fatter I came out victorious! hahahah no joke it turned straight to fat! By the time that I hit about 1/4 the way done I was full... BUT I was committed to eat it so I did... haha really weird, and fat story I know.. but how does this reflect on life...? I'll tell you. I went into that thinking, I'm going to eat the Mammoth of all Poutines and I'm going to do it no matter what. Elder Parker on the other hand went in thinking, I'm going to "try" and have leftovers probably... what a wimp haha jk. but anyways...Look who finished. Yes it proves I'm fat and gross but I was full at a FOURTH... and still did it... Its the same thing with life. What you put into something you will get out of it... if you go into something thinking you will fall short or not get what you expected... well hate to break it to you that's whats going to happen. ha ha so do that. Have faith. Go for it! GO BIG.

haha other stories are just examples of what we do to find Spanish people.. Lately we have been going into apartments and waiting for people to get in there so we can get in too and we go walk through them ha ha. I don't think its illegal but its sketchy sometimes haha and we listen to doors and if it sounds or smells Spanish we knock it. Pretty random yeah? I cant believe we do it sometimes, but HEY we're desperate! we need to get some baptisms ha ha! Its really been fun.
Well hey.. I love you all. Work hard, STAY COMMITTED.... Especially with school, sports, work and attitude. What you put in is what you are going to get out! I love you.
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012 "Be Happy"

Whats going on?? Ma! You're 26 now! Jeez.. you're getting old ha ha! :) Happy Birthday :) This week was a really really good one! I cant believe I'm writing another email ha ha it feels like I shouldn't be because how fast it goes! I cant believe how many people are getting their stuff ready and turned in.. I really cant! But I'm soooo excited for them all! They really will LOVE IT! Its so crazy, the life of a missionary ha ha. Its nothing like normal, if you call it normal you aren't thinking straight ha ha there is nothing "Normal" about a mission, and that's what makes it so incredible. Because if it was "normal" then it would be another experience that we have in life and it would go on.. I think the greatest thing about it, is that is so different, so hard, so demanding and so weird... that it makes it truly the greatest thing that you could possibly do in your life ha ha. I love it. I'm soooo excited for all of Cars and his buddies to come out and enjoy it sooner rather than later! Its going to be so rad.
So updates here.... hmm... well we are finally picking up the pace here! Coming into a new area is really really hard... you don't know anything and you just NEED to make it better or its your fault... so we have been working hard and its been tough.. these past couple of weeks has been a brutal one... BUT we have investigators now! Its starting to pick up, and I really don't want to leave or change comps... Elder Parker and I are getting along great,  but we are doing great and our attitudes in lessons flow hard with the Spirit... Like we are just loud, want to talk, and happy characters ha ha I love it. We have fun, we laugh hardcore sometimes ha ha! Keep us in your prayers that we can stay together for at least 1 or 2 more! We are going to tear it up in these next couple of months I know it.
So 2 really quick experiences that brought my faith and my love for this work to understanding... so the first one we went to this house.. we knocked and this crazy old Cuban guy came to the door with his shirt off... he just yelled "u speak espanish?" and we started in... little did I know that this would be a bible bash where you have not a single idea of what is going on ha ha... he started in and went off for probably 10 minutes without breathing and we tried to reply back... then his wife came and she joined in and it was just a mess, we were trying every single way to leave, but in order to do that we needed time to at least talk and they were using up so much air that I thought we would suffocate... anyways... we get to the point where they asked about the temple and all these random questions, and I have had 2 comps who whenever people ask questions I usually turn and look to them to answer... I turned a little to Elder Parker and I realized he was doing the same to me... I was absolutely blank because this had never happened to me and really didn't know how to reply... but all of a sudden I was talking... I was saying words that I really don't think that I have ever said before ha ha... but the Spirit was like "oh poor guy, I need to help him, show him some pity" and we got it situated and figured out. We then got out of there but before we left we prayed and I prayed, during that time they were like shouting like "amen" or "hallelujah" ha ha it was crazy weird.. but that was cool just to let the Spirit really help when it came down to defending the house of our God.
Next experience was similar... but this time we were teaching and trying to help this less active lady and her unbaptized children understand the importance of Church... and I don't know what it was but words were just coming and same with Elder Parker and the Spirit was there... granted at times it left but at the end during the testifying... holy cow... I have never felt the Spirit so.. UH... INDESCRIBABLE... it truly works THROUGH you... its not you one bit... its Him and the Lord... But I know that the Spirit is our best guide with EVERYTHING... You don't need to even be a Missionary to have this blessing in your life.. its an eternal thing. SOO AWESOME.
I want you all to know how much I love you... I miss you.. I care about each and everyone... BUT, there is nothing more rewarding then this... nothing. I love you and I can not wait to see where Cars is going... MANDARIN SPEAKING... I know it ;) ha ha I love you.
"We cant direct the wind, but was can adjust the sails" BE HAPPY. It's up to us.
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 "Happy Thanksgiving"

AHHHH!!!! :)))
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!... that sounds just wrong ha ha its not even November ha ha... on that note yeah its not even November or the late part of October and its absolutely FREEZING!!!! ha ha like I wear long sleeves and a sweater daily and last night I rocked my Coat with a beanie and scarf because it was so cold... yeah keep me in your prayers.. So the Mindy is good stuff I promise.. If you have any Kalai stuff I would love it too! But yeah thanks soooo much! I cant wait for them :) I only have 1 Spanish book from before the mission... and its that one that Sis Perkins told us to get and I have been reading it and actually have almost finished it ha ha. its really good and actually makes the learning soooo much easier! What other book did we buy?? I live right by the Church and the Temple in Brampton, about 3 or 4 minutes away so really close! Its sooo nice! I love it. I would be a seminary teacher, it would be gnarly! ha ha 
SO... This week was EPIC! Well for one we went to the temple... it was beyond good and just soooo relaxing to get away and drink in the Spirit.. I loved every single second. Conference was so good I cant explain in words what it truly did for me. I feel so at peace knowing we have people on this earth who can help us with what we truly need to overcome in our lives and also just to feel God more! Conference out here is really cool, we go, then we eat and look for people and go back to more! It was a really fun experience! When they announced the thing about the ages... Uh... I about lost it. There are going to be so many missionaries! SO MANY! And especially Sisters... I cant believe it. I was like, "Cars better turn his in soon, he BETTER!!!" haha I'm so glad he is :) So when we went to the Temple this week, guess who I saw... the one and Only Elder Steele ha ha it was way awesome to see him! We were laughing and it was really so awesome! I miss the old guy  Spanish is really actually starting to feel good, I cant speak incredible but its starting to come easier, I hope that eventually it will all come but... ha ha yeah not going to happen in seconds right? "Life is not a race its a journey" that was probably one of my favorite quotes from President Uchtdorf.  I love life and seriously its so true, it is what we make of it... if we want it to be good, then heck. MAKE IT GOOD. I feel like its Satan making us look for the bad rather than the blessings that we have in our lives. We have so many if you take the time to BREATH, rather than keep going throughout the days.
Elder Parker and I are getting along great, its been really fun and we have been working hard. I believe that we will start seeing success in these next couple of weeks, I hope that we are going to stay and get some work done here! We haven't been teaching too many people but we are slowly working up the list and right now we have found some solid potentials!
With the pictures I really don't know what to do with them... I have tried so many ways! I just cant figure out how or why they wont send? Its super confusing... I hope that 
I can figure out something this time! I know with all the certainty of my heart that God loves each and everyone of us, and that we can feel PEACE when we go to Him and just accept His will, not our own. I love you all so much. Take the time to see the Lord's hand in your lives, don't just get caught up in the rush of things. Some of the most amazing things in live come through time. I'm so happy, and I hope you are too!
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :D

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012 "Bubba's a teen"

SUP? Geez, Bubba's in the old teens now eh? YIKES... You need to adopt a baby or something to keep you guys looking pretty young or something ;) ha ha Just Teasing!!!
This last week was a really good one! Flew by.. now that I think of it ha ha, it really is crazy looking back on it! Thanks for the K town info :) and the Population!! Everyone asks that so I'm glad I have it ha ha! Umm... Lets see... Probably the coolest thing that has happened this last week was probably... that Elder Parker (NOT PACKER ha ha) were able to just talk in Spanish a lot... not all the time ha ha but a lot.. Like I feel pretty good with Spanish right now, not amazing but I feel like I can get by now! sooo that's good :) We had some pretty good lessons. We have been working with these little kids named Matthew and Maya (Matthew looks like bubba and is his same age) ha ha but its been way fun! Their mom is a less active member and we have been working not only with them but with her and it is truly amazing to see how much God loves the Family... FAMILIES ARE GNARLY!!! Its the best. We are sooo blessed in this life to have our family, especially, because ours is centered on the Gospel. Its so real and genuine what you find through God and His love towards them as well! 
We have been really trying to find people and actually funny story! The other day we were walking and Elder Parker started talking to someone and was like "Hey hows it going, have you ever had the chance to talk to missionaries before?" the guy looks at us and is like "Uh, yeah actually I have" then Elder Parker was like "Oh awesome! What'd you think? Did you like the message or like have you met with them more?" and he was like "Uh you could say that.." and Elder Parker was like "oh no... are you a member?" and he was like "yeah... ha ha" it was really so funny. Probably just because we weren't doing anything too crazy and that was out of now where and I guess its really common here to do that, just talk and then the people end up being members ha ha! This week though was fast Sunday.. really hard cause I was starving and what not but the testimony meeting was so different... unlike anything else... There was not one idle second, not one.. The People were lining up to speak... and right when someone was done another came up, and then another... it was CRAZY! Even in the "Mormon State" you don't see that... Spanish people are seriously my inspiration, we have an investigator named Enith.. and she is basically a dry member because she cant get baptized right now but she is incredible.... and we were talking to her yesterday and it was SOOOOO insane.. Her testimony is unlike anything I've ever heard.. Uh... Its so amazing to see people have so much trust in the Lord, and so much faith that He can fix the problems. I really cant believe it. I know that its true, its hard at times but I know that this work is the Lords and that anything through Him is the thing to do. I love you all so much and I'm sorry its short but this computer sucks and keeps turning off and its going to again! Please force Cars to make me CD'S and send me them ha ha and if you can send me some Common Spanish expressions and also my Eagle scout credit card in my wallet in my room ha ha random yes but thanks :) I love you. SMILE ;) its fun if you do it!
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :DD

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012 "Transferred by Van"

So this week was a different one for sure! I had to be transferred by a van first of all and it was awful haha I was crammed in there and had to back track an hour to a place called London then come all the way back to Brampton.. uhhh.. oh well haha then Elder Parker and I met and things were good! He is from Draper and he knows a lot of the kids that I'm friends with from Draper so it was really cool haha! Me and Him live in a basement of these random peoples house and its really actually big and spread out I like it, its freezing though haha I will be getting my package today! We can check mail every single week here!!! I'm stoked :) I bought that journal in the MTC... it was SUPER cheap in there! When Cars goes have him send you loads of stuff home! because its cheap to buy and send! really haha its so awesome I have one that I'm working on filling out and I realized I'm probably only going to fill this one out for the whole mission so yeah you keep it and use it mommy dear :)
So question... have you ridden my vespa? You need to mother haha keep the engine working please ha ha and possibly change the oil if you can ;) random I know... sorry!!! Whats Kaysville's population? Everyone asks me and I have no idea ha ha. Will you buy me some Cd's? Preferably Mindy Glendhill "Sum of all Grace" and "Anchor" and if she has anymore all of them! Oh my word she is incredible ha ha and she is Mormon!!! SOOo yeahhh :)
So this week was unlike any other for sure... on my second day here this other Elder from Brazil named Elder Silva was leaving to go home.. but his flight was late and he got to be our comp for a whole day ha ha it really was sooo fun! Me and him spoke basically only Spanish with each other (he learned that and English here) and yeah he was wayyyyy cool! and we really had a fun day! 
Then he went home ha ha. But anyways it was fun, and ever since then we have been speaking basically only Spanish... well trying our hardest at least to be able to! It really has been helping SOO much! I cant even believe how much it does. I was really glad too because at church we went and guess what.. they called me up WITHOUT warning and I had to bear my testimony ha ha! I felt OK so that's really good! I feel like it really is improving so much... I need to practice some more words and master this grammar... its such a pain ha ha I'm really starting to get the hang of it though, its finally starting to click!!! 
The weather is FREEZING here ha ha, I wear a sweater every single day. I need to start wearing a coat soon or a beanie ha ha, and like the breeze and the humidity... WOOF... its BITTER! I'm really not too stoked about all of it ha ha, I really am hoping its not too cold of a winter here! But whatever happens its going to be fine ha ha, so Nothing really too cool... we do a lot of tracting... and not so much walking.. I Love THAT :) ha ha I don't like walking, ha ha it feels so not productive at all.. (I cant speak English sorry) but really I love it. Elder Parker and I get along really well, everything will hopefully get better too! This ward is incredible too! We get fed like every meal ha ha  well every dinner but sometimes every meal!!!!! Crazy huh ha ha? so different than anything else, or any where else, its weird thinking this is already my 3rd area too! AHH!!! ha ha it flies by... but yeah sometimes its hard but I just try to work and then it gets better... Well ask questions and I will answer them! I cant really just think of everything on the spot because everything is a blur out here haha I cant believe how fast time goes! So just ask away :) I love you so much. Stay happy... Really its weird how far a smile goes... like for me when I feel like crap I don't want to smile... but then I do and after awhile I'm good to go ha ha... its funny. I buzzed my dome.. I look pretty weird... I just got sick of doing my hair ha ha you know how I am, so impulsive to change something then after your like "what did you do..." yeah did it again.. ha ha I don't think I'm buzzing it again I look weird.. but hey I love you guys.. remember that!
Forever and always,
Elder Beyer

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012 "I'm going to BRAMPTON"

Looks like it was only 6 weeks here in Kitchener.. I'm going to BRAMPTON!!! So basically going back to where I started ha ha... its not as big as Mississauga BUT its the city right next to it! I'm really excited and cant wait to get there! Right now I'm nervous... ha ha I really don't like transfers because of that but they definitely are times to grow and I think that's what is happening right now! My new Comp is named Elder Parker, and he is from Utah I think, but he just barely got out of the training program! Soo... I am excited to help him out and be the first one not as his trainer ha ha! I hope that there is going to be a lot of Spanish people, it has been hard to teach them here and really hard to get them to church but I'm thinking that If we keep working, things are bound to happen right??
This week was a SLOW one... really couldn't find anyone and really couldn't teach anyone... and we just walked ha ha... I bought some Dr. Scholl's because my puppies were a barkin at me ha ha but seriously my feet feel sooo much better now! I think that I'm sending you guys some stuff home today sooo... I think I'm using my debit card, I don't know how much it will be! I'm sending my "P day shoes", a journal from the MTC, 4 of my planners, some DVDs for you guys :), my gnarly Argentinean matte stuff that a member gave me! and also a journal for studies! Mom you can have the journal and record your studies and stuff in it, I think you'll like it :) its the big white one! So... yeah I loved your quotes just barely, they really are so true, I hope that I can keep moving forward, its hard sometimes for sure because EVERYTHING around you isn't... Its hard not to just stop and give in and fall into the wrong but once you endure through and get through the hard, suddenly its good... weird huh? right now I'm pretty nervous as to what is going to happen with everything.. I hope that I can cope with it all and just stay positive. ha ha a positive attitude makes things better but it isn't always something easy to do... I hope that everything really is getting better with you guys and that you are loving it! I love you guys so much and miss you tons!! I really don't have anything crazy going on here besides the fact that I'm going to a whole different place and going to be with a different person!!!

I just want to say this... There is nothing in your life more stressful... or more different than a mission.. but there is nothing that can change you or turn you into the person that our Heavenly Father needs us to be than a mission either... At times I hate it, its hard and I don't want anything to do with it... BUT the challenges and sorrow are temporary, and the progress and the change are permanent.. Its sooo weird how it works ha ha. I mean there are SO many things that are hard and sooo many things that make a mission not fun, but if you don't see the good in it, then whats the point right? I seriously can not wait to see what happens and what the Lord has in store for me ha ha. I'm super super excited. I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH! Keep me posted on everything, I cant wait to hear from you :) I'll fill you in on the juicy details of the new area next week!
I love you, Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 10, 2012 "Quarter Mark"

Yeah ha ha I cant believe Its the quarter mark of the mish... really really weird to think about... I feel I've grown quite a bit haha Its pretty crazy to think about how much I have but at the same time, how much I NEED TO! I have a LONG way to go! I am glad to hear that you are all doing good! That's always a plus as a missionary to hear that you are all solid haha I'm glad! That's cool about Kyle, I remember when he left... jeez time flies! Things have been really good... I will answer your questions now... Yeah I think Grandpa Gene is one of them. The other day we had a member come to one of our lessons and he was pretty old and he really got in the car... I took one whiff and I was like holy cow, Grandpa Gene is cruisin shotgun with me here haha! It was funny stuff, I was laughing to myself! So I really don't have too much to talk about because we are only going over about 4 days here so this one is going to be a short letter! But some good things that happened... We have this one lady named Anca, from Romania who is really starting to look solid! She is the girlfriend of a member but she is learning Spanish so... yeah its really cool, but she has came the past 2 weeks! so everything is getting better. Its already starting to get cold here! I cant believe it... I'm going to freeze this winter haha and I really don't even know what to think! Its way windy and rainy... I might have to get a wind breaker or something like that! It would be incredible to have! Oh and this next week we are going to know if we are transferred! Time is cruisin on by! I really don't even know what to say haha everything is like a blur... it seems like one day... I don't even know why I write in my journal at night because I always forget things haha it goes sooooo fast! But yeah everything is honestly incredible! This guy came up to us this week and asked "Have you killed anyone today yet?" haha it was way random and funny! Elder Mejia said "Not yet" haha it was pretty funny! I think I have turf toe too... it kills haha but... yeah... well... I will fill you in next week! I will let you know if I'm staying or going :) seriously I love you all soooooo much! I really do! And yeah I miss you :) I forgot to tell you but there is a Tranny Hut across the street from our house haha there is like 5 or 6 guys... well girls now... and they always are out haha its really creepy! I will tell you the story in depth sometime of how we noticed them but it really is sickening. They give me the he bee gee bees hahaha! hopefully they don't talk to us! I love you all, stay safe! Keep praying and following the example of Christ... well do that if you want to be happy :) Loves :)
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012 "Happiness a way of life"

Seriously these were some solid ones! I am truly so grateful that you keep me in so I know that everyone is SAFE haha! I'm glad to hear that!  Elder Germann is such a stud, ha ha I loved that guy! Really good Elder. So this last Zone Conference was really good, really spiritual! We are so blessed. Our mission president and his wife are SO in tune with the spirit. Its incredible... I didn't speak in Zone Conference, I wish that I could have! I would have loved to! I don't speak in church at all. Which is good, because I don't speak Spanish ha ha. But its getting better, it truly is. I have gotten a better Knowledge of words and understanding them! My vocabulary has seriously multiplied by like 8... no joke. I feel BETTER. But not incredible ya know? But actually I was able to call Elder Steele because I left my vile there and I wanted it... yeah so here is the cool story... I called and got to talk to him but it was from another phone and he didn't know it was me and I just really started speaking Spanish to him, I went off, and really it felt like talking. It wasn't like a chore or a task, it was TALKING and it was so easy ha ha I got to talk to him and get that! Oh and I guess T Mitch wrote me! So tell him that his letter is at the other place but I will be getting it in a few weeks or so! I'm really stoked to see it! I miss him SOOO MUCH! UHH!! seriously. I miss him ha ha. I don't want to  go into depth or the family will start thinking this is another Troy and Travis thing to a new extreme ha ha but he seriously is my Best Bud, I miss him. Umm.. well lets see.. oh yeah but talking to him was a cinch... so easy and I really understood EVERYTHING and I talked to his new trainee ha ha it was funny because I remember when I knew NOTHING and was trying to talk but yeah it was incredible. 
So I got the pack with the case and picture! LOVED IT :) the case is awesome thanks! the picture frame got a little broken but its fine, it works! MOM!!!!   Ha ha you look awesome! I loved  Bubbas stuff :) its always so good to see his stuff and get stuff from him, he's a cutie. I hope he doesn't lose those cheeks in Middle school ha ha 
So updates... The wart... Terminated, totally wrecked. I LOST WEIGHT! Back to about 193ish... good stuff, I got fat for a second, not good.  So you asked me about CD'S... yeah I would LOVE SOME!! There is a CD, and its really really good but its like church hymns k, but its like alternative modern music and it has like come come ye saints and then also how great thou art... yeah that would be sooo awesome! This past week has been really a SLOW one... Nothing is coming in to crazy, not too many people and really not that much to  do! We walk A LOT, and I starve most of the time because well... we walk ha ha! This last week was kinda... like a trial week... but not like a hard one... if that makes sense... like I wasn't wanting to come home or anything it was just like wow, this is brutal ha ha ya know? We walked like crazy, found only 2 people. we taught this one lady, solid lesson, came back 2 days later and she was like "yeah I have heard this is wrong from the Internet and my brother" so... yeah ha ha most of our new people get Antied like its Satan's business, cause it is! Its really depressing to see that  happen... but there really is nothing that you can do besides wait on the Lord for that help. Umm... I'm sending you a picture of me from this one day ha ha I look really ugly but its funny because its really from a normal face, I'm not doing anything but I was BEYOND tired... soooo I hope you laugh because I did when I saw it! 
One night we played soccer with some young men and also some members... yep... never again ha ha, never again... I was blacking out and almost died after, I woke up the next morning almost begging for my life to end hahaha I am so out of shape and it wrecked my sleeping schedule like you wouldn't believe ha ha.  Really a big mistake. I'm still tired from it! and it was on Friday! Still the hardest thing is to help people get to church, if we could they would be baptized.. simple enough... they are so prepared but just have some things that are holding them back from it... UHHHHGH.... sooooo hard, because you have such a desire to help them out, but cant without them pulling their end through... its tough... Especially when you come to love these people and want them to have that happiness. Whenever I talk to Ana (like the 40 year old from Honduras) I cant help but smile, she is so funny and really is so prepared! But hey, only can wait on the Lord's timing. That's one thing that I have learned and have been working hard to understand better, His timing. One thing that has been cool is I'm reading, in my spare time, Jesus the Christ. If you want to know some DEEP doctrine and want to know Jesus better... DIG IN ha ha.. its incredible, SOO Good. 

I really love it here. I don't want to leave, BUT I just don't know what to do if winter comes ha ha cause no one will be outside... so... we'll see what happens! I really do love it though, you cant help but be happy when you leave it to the Lord. I love you, miss you, and pray for you always. Keep working hard and keep enjoying life, its a blessing. "Yesterdays history, tomorrows a mystery, today is a gift, that's why its called present" make happiness a way of life. Its better that way :)
I love you greatly, Forever and Always,

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday, August 28, 2012 "Things get a little crazy!!"

This picture was taken by a member in Kitchener Canada!!!

She sent it on Saturday!  They were practicing to sing in church.
Hey hey hey! SOOO everything here is going much better, that is for sure! so I have some funny stories for you guys this week!! So Kitchener is CRAZYYY!! The people here really are like funny... But I need to explain some things first.. so this last week we moved! and we now live in this attic but its pretty cool, this computer is weird so I will send them next week! But seriously its sweet! I love it! the only thing that I didn't love was moving everything haha it was a pain! and it took like 2 days!!!! What a waste of time eh? But whenever we didn't have anything we would walk these parks near our house and it was safe... for the most part I guess but now when we are walking around its a JOKE haha. We live right out of downtown Kitchener!!! ha ha like when we walk down, downtown its crazy ha ha! This place has given me some of the weirdest stories ever! like we were walking the other day just chatting with this guy right and then we were parting ways and he asked were I'm from... so I said the states... then this other guy hears that and goes off haha! He was like "those mother $#^(*)#, with their fat bellies in the states, always #(*&^$#@(^ @)(#$^(....." and then just kept going off of that haha and he wouldn't look at us but was walking right in front of us.  But this other guy was coming from the opposite way and he was crazy looking haha (homeless, long hair, filthy stache, and cig in his ear haha) and he just stops... and looks at this guy and watches him walk by and looks at us super confused and is like "man, that's one unhappy camper!" and keeps on walking hahaha! So this story might not be funny but just imagine how random that was haha!!!! It was soo funny. and then right after that we were walking and this like 40 year old guy was like "hey Mormons, Mormons, I mean morons... yeah morons" and we were like what the heck ha ha? It was a weird night that's for sure!

This place is just sooo different! Like yesterday we were walking around Waterloo park and in the middle this Indian people wearing their like veils and stuff were like blasting their poonjabbi music and like playing cricket haha how random!!!! Its insane. I got a bunch of random ties already! I'm starting to get a good collection :).... hmmm this week was sweet in terms of service! We totally hit up like 4 or 5 hours of it! I went and bought these steezy Velcro kicks for it haha they are sooo funny! I bet people when they see me are like man... that kid was either pampered, or home schooled hahaha or maybe both!! They are so funny though!

Things are starting to pick up! we have been finding people like crazy! and now we are hopefully going to help them get baptized!!! Like currently we have 2 people who have came to church the past 2 weeks... so I don't know what might happen with that! We have this lady name Ana and her 2 daughters ... holy cow.... SO PREPARED! Like the only reason she couldn't come to Church is work... guess what... got a new job!!!!! So she is totally going to come now! and like she just is SO awesome! So in need of the happiness and... YEAH! I am stoked for it that's for certain! I will keep you posted :).

The Spanish is getting much better, I can understand A LOT more... but the thing about it is its still tooo fast for me to understand it all but I can get the jest of it! that's pretty sweet! I think I'm starting to get converted to Canadian English hahaha like when i say things like an American it sounds wrong haha like here they say stuff like... PRO cess for process... and I'm totally converted to eh, eh? haha its good stuff. I have a random wart on my thumb... I have ripped it off like 3 times and now its bigger... sooo... yeah ha ha that's pretty cool? I dunno! Its hard to explain everything I'm doing because it really is like a blur haha it FLYS! Like we start week 4 of this transfer... HOLY SMOKES! its crazy!! Well ppppss... I love you much! keep me posted on like T Mitch, I miss that guy :( but yeah I seriously feel like Ive changed so much here.. its all so different! just send my stuff to the office... I don't think we are supposed to send things to our houses anyways but yeah its no big deal haha I can wait! I just don't get letters anymore! That's kinda crappy! but the lord will figure something out for me yeah? I love you all :) keep smiling, even if it brings wrinkles ;)

Forever and always,

Elder Beyer :D

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012 "We are moving"

Those updates are great ha ha! I loved um! This last week was a really solid one! So I don't really know what to update you one back because it really is the same old routine out here, we wake up, study, get out, and WALK! ha ha this past week has really made me realize A LOT.... Because in Mississauga, I was constantly on the phone... constantly talking to people and constantly trying to improve our lessons... but here you really CANT ha ha..... the people we are teaching are basically ALL DIVORCED LADIES!!!!! So we cant go into their houses, and they work sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much haha.... the only guys we teach we can meet with only once a week too... sooo its sooo different! We walk to find people and sometimes we don't find a single person haha... its been REALLY different... its hard not to get discouraged you know? It's like I'm in a little cage and Satan has a stick and is poking the crap out of me non stop hahah..... I have so much time just to think.. and he gets in there and works on me. Its like the MTC all over again but here we are walking about a half marathon everyday...( if you think I'm kidding I'm really not hahah, we measured it last time) haha it really is CRAZY!!! 
But that is the average day... so the first couple days this week were, to me, days of wasting the lords time.. because for some reason you just feel like you are if you aren't teaching and talking to tons of people... BUT on Friday we started pickin it up... we got like 5 lessons that day and we were on fire! We ended up having 2 investigators come to our awesome branch this week and it was AHHH!! SOOO AWESSSOOMMEEE!!!!! We had this ward picnic on Saturday as well and we had 3 investigators go to that.. its a mom and her 2 daughters, when the missionaries found her she was lookin for a church but she just had to work A LOT! She applied for this job, the other day, and if she gets it she wont be working anymore on Sundays!!!! and after this ward picnic, she is SUPER interested! So we seriously are close to helping some people out! 
We are moving!!! We're going to this attic of some member, and its really a cool place! Its got a way old school feel to it, UHH you know how I love old/modernized buildings... its GNARRLLLY! :) haha but seriously its going to be insanely cool! But the other day we saw a tranny across the street there soo :/ that might be a little sketchy haha hopefully we don't run into him in the later hours of  the day eh? haha sooo I forgot to say this but in the new district we have like 10 missionaries?? I believe? but they are all cool but there is one named elder Dewey! I love him, such a good guy! But turns out his dad is like the churches artist! how cool is that? and his dad is SOO GOOD haha I have so many of his pictures at our place! but his name is Simon Dewey... he's insanely good! I think his art is on last months ensign?? I think.. I'm not sure though! 
Seriously the Spanish is getting better.... its SO hard!!! hahah I hate it but love it! I've always wanted to learn Spanish but its sooooooo difficult... missionaries who go to foreign countries have it easy haha I bet they learn it in months!! because its all they hear!! here, I'm constantly switching back and forth, so its slow. but it really is coming haha I feel way better about it! but yeahh... nothin too crazy here haha I love you guys so much :) oh in this weeks letter from the president there was this quote : “Satan doesn't care if you think highly of yourself or poorly of yourself, as long as you're thinking of yourself.  As long as we allow Satan to focus our attention inward, we defer to him the victory. Be it through the false pride of accrediting ourselves for achievement, growth, and learning rather than the Lord, or through worthless feelings of inadequacy and complacency, he will exert his power and influence on every front to dilute our motivation, frustrate our best efforts, and hamper our success.” I thought it was soooooo good so I thought I'd share it! haha I love you guys so much! I feel your love here in the crazy great white, and I cant thank you enough for your prayers :) I love you so much!
Forever and Always,

Elder Beyer ;)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012 "Walking, Walking and Walking"

What is goin on?? I'm glad you guys had so much fun on the cruise! Sounds like Connie's fun just was so overwhelming that the old skirt couldn't stay on hahah! That's funny stuff. This week was Different! Holy... it was super strange but way good! So what it the most different thing is walking... walking... walking... and guess what else? If you said walking you are right! haha So why its so different is because in Mississauga we would go to a busy corner right and wait. Here there aren't busy corners... at all... so we walk EVERYWHERE and look for the people! Its been super different, I go to sleep every night completely wrecked from the day.. its crazy! SO I'm going to talk about the places... so we cover 4 cities. Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, and Guelph haha.. I have been to all but Guelph... and they are all so cool! Downtown Kitchener and Uptown Waterloo are basically right next to each other but at the same time they aren't so that's why they are different cities but at the same time everyone says they are basically one. But they are so cool! Pretty old buildings, modernized and just look super sweet and they are way cool! It looks like Salt lake in a way, but SLC Is better ;) but anyways its really a way cool place! There is one bad thing... There is seriously a bar on every corner haha... like no joke... and the people here are hammered basically 24/7... so they hate us "Mormon boys" and they don't want anything to do with us! But its not that bad.. in both uptown Waterloo and downtown Kitchener there are parks.... both of them are sooo cool! If you can look up Victoria park in Kitchener... oh my! IT AWESOME! We spend a lot of time lookin for people there and are constantly looking for some Spanish speakers!
So currently we are living in this basement but we have to move out of there by next week or so? So I haven't really even unpacked and I don't know the address.... it really is probably easier just to send it to the mission home! So you can do that :) I don't mind waiting haha my patience has grown greatly out here haha! So the ward out here is way cool! Its a branch so its small but they are soooo cool! And everything is in Spanish!!!! so I can practice it up haha! The only bad thing is, is that they all work tons so we aren't able to have them come to lessons which is hard because that makes it better and all of our investigators are like older divorced women so we cant go in! But oh well... the Lord will figure something out! So hahaha yesterday was probably the weirdest experience of my whole mission! we were walking right... and this lady gets out of this car and was like "boys wait! I have something for you!" and she goes off and gives us these prayer papers to be "born again and saved" so we were like what the heck and we were talking with her and she was SUPER crazy haha she started mumbling and saying creepy words and she said it was the gift of tongues and said we had demons in us! So we were like this lady is crazy haha and we were walking away and she put her hand on elder Mejia's head and started mumbling stuff and was "ridding him of the demons" hahha it was super creepy but way funny, I cant really explain it good but it was weird! so after that we were talking with her son too and they were just super weird and said how our church was wrong and some how prayer came up and they asked to pray with us... so she grabbed my hand and we were in this circle thing and me and elder Mejia sat there confused and she was like "father, baptize these boys with your spirit, that they may know they are wrong... etc etc" and her son was mumbling under his breath weird stuff haha so it was weird and me and elder Mejia were laughing towards the end and broke it off and said we need to go, and when we did that she said to elder Mejia "you have 39 demons and you have 69" I was so confused haha... it was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me, soo please pray for me that the demons will leave me! haha but anyways yeah, its been good, I ask elder Mejia like 30 questions an hour of Spanish things and its starting to make so much more sense to me! I am pretty excited about it! i hope it gets better! Well... i love you all so much! Keep up the good work! You're awesome!
forever and always,
Elder Beyer :D