Elder Beyer in his apartment! |

So yeah I need to answer your questions first, 1 yeah I received them! I LOVED UM! I just loved it all :) but next...I dunno where to have you send them! Because lets say I get transferred and what not... then if you sent me something I am pretty unlikely to get it if I'm not there anymore haha but I mean it is A LOT nicer to just get them rather than having to wait and wait until either the Zone Leaders bring it down or we have Zone Conference ya know?? I dunno haha but yeah I loved them SO much! Who the heck was Carlos??! haha but the sheets are great! SUPER soft!!! I love um! And hows the language? pshh... haha I'm not good at it! i can barley understand people... if barely is the slightest of understanding haha! its been crazy hard... and to be completely honest this week was a brutal one! First because of the weather... the first 2 weeks it was super hot and perfect, this week... straight rain! and not for like a second... I was practically soaked and we don't have a dryer so my clothes just are barley dry and my shoes are still soaked haha... but its all good, the weather is nothing, its still the same work whether its good or bad! you just got to keep going! so I did just that and I was pretty good and the weather wasn't bringing me down too much! BUT what did was the language...I feel SO retarded when it comes to it, and whenever people talk to me I feel just lost...I seriously have troubles with being positive about the language because tons of people are like, well it will come when you talk it will come when you talk... yeah there is like NO Spanish speakers here sooo.... haha I don't have time to! its usually just English or crappy random immigrant English so that is a language in itself haha! but yeah its definitely going slow and I feel like I'm gaining more and more but still I know nothing haha........................ um I got pretty homesick for a couple of days for sure! the point that I want to just get across to people who want to serve a mission is this... ITS HARD.... and NO ONE.... explains that.. they say yeah its super hard but good... yeah they don't explain it how it is... you literally are the most tired you have ever been in your life like always... pretty dehydrated, always hungry, and that's only like physical things. The list goes on and on... and with emotional and mental things... you get to the point sometimes where you get so sickened and just feel like its not worth it and then oh... its the worst feeling ever! and just like physical the list goes on and on... BUT to all of that... there is good and there really is happiness when you just keep going and just keep working... God will bless you for all of it and there is a reason for it all! when people say its hard and just leave it at that its such an understatement.... but also its the greatest thing you could possibly do.. you seriously are a servant... and a representative of Jesus Christ and you have the power and the ability to not only strengthen your life... and the ones you care about... but also people who don't have it in their life! its been hard... and i don't mean to go off on that and seem depressed and seem like missions suck... I mean it to say that it really is SO hard, but at the same time is really is SO amazing. Its just like anything in life... Time does go by slow during the day but then all of a sudden you are out of the spiritual prison and on your way to Canada and then after that you are there starting week 4... its crazy! haha this week was hard but at the same time super good, we had the opportunity to invite this man named Alberto to baptism, he has been smoking for over 30 years but knows of the truth! Hopefully we can keep him strong and help him to improve and look to God with it all and help him enter the waters! This weeks letter isn't a good one and i already know that but its just because I was frustrated about everything and its hard to think that if i could get in a time machine that I would be in Hawaii hahaah but whatever... its good! I'm still in awe that all the boys are done with elementary school and still in awe that you trust caden with my car... hes the farthest thing from responsible haha... but I'm stoked for all of them to keep growing! even though i cant see it... well i love you all and I'm sorry this letter is crappy but hopefully it has some advice in it haha.. and hopefully you enjoy the pictures as well!!!
haha well i just uploaded pictures for like 20 minutes so i hope that they work haha! I seriously love you guys alot and I hope that next week I can have a better letter for you haha... I LOVE YOU!
Forever and Always
Elder Beyer
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