I love you guys!! ha ha so I don't need anything! I'M SOLID right now! Everything is moving along. Ha ha you don't need to tell anyone to not
email me, I like reading them I just don't reply... Its super hard but
they said not too... I feel kinda weird being like so with the rules,
especially because before my mission I was not at all ha ha, but it has
been blessing us SOO MUCH! This past week we actually had a baptism! I
had not part of it because I came into the mission with him having a
baptismal date and everything but it was still super good to be able to
help contribute to it! and also we had 2 investigators be able to attend
church!!!! AHHHH!!! it was sooooo amazing!!! So before I say anything
else remember how I said like 4 weeks ago this creep was looking at my
stuff in the library?? yeah... he is right across the desk from me and
is checking out the other missionaries stuff... he is a freak! a HUGE
one!!! But anyways haha... he gives me the creepiest feelings inside
right now too but... yeah so yesterday it was pretty awesome to be able
to take part in that and I'm sending you the pictures of it and
everything, I LOVE this family... they are honestly so incredible and SO
awesome!!! They are the Canestuj's and yeah... I LOVE um ha ha the
hardest part about yesterday was that the primary kids sang the Fathers
day songs and also had some cute little 9 year olds give talks about
their dads... yeah I was pretty much dying because of it.. I started
tearing up like a little baby ha ha but all is well I didn't cry. The only
reason its so crappy is because you kind of take advantage of how
awesome families are!!! so boys.... LOVE MOM AND DAD... Hug um often,
love um always, and just remember that we are soooo blessed to have
them!!!! The Spanish culture makes me realize how much I love you guys
even more... with EVERYONE they hug and kiss their cheeks... even if
they aren't related! They just love you for being alive! I love it! Cause
we are all brothers and sisters ha ha and that's one thing I have been
working on for sure... I used to always look at people and judge them
because they looked weird and what not... but now whenever I look at
some rotten up tool with a weird hair cut and some clothes I wouldn't
wear... instead of being like hahaha what a tool, I think... hmm... my
brother needs some serious help... ha ha sounds dumb yes... but it has
been helping me SO MUCH. I have been talking more and just trying harder
to help more people and just trying to talk with everyone... it has
been helping me SO MUCH... it is soooo fun!!!! I love talking as you all
know so now I'm putting it to good use :) so yeah! this week was a solid
one, but a way cool thing that we did are splits.. and my comp got
called to be the District leader so I got to go on splits with the Zone
leaders this week! SO fun! I got to teach in English and got to ride in a
car ha ha it was super fun, it was so different and got to learn so
much! I didn't get to sleep over, but it was still such a good
experience. I will explain better what they are next week, I don't have
much time right now but I will explain it better! So 2 quick things... 1
my favorite foods now... fruits ha ha especially mango's and pineapple. I
eat them like everyday! I love um ha ha and 2 mom remember that
experience with the baconader burger at Wendy's? How I loved it then
hated it? yeah... that's how the MTC was... I hated it then... but its
cause I was being negative... Now I look back on it as actually fun
haha! Just a little update... I hope that this letter is decent enough
for you guys! I will get a better one next week! Keep me updated with
all of your lives! I LOVE YOU SSOOOO MUCCHHH!!!! and no we never got the
centipede haha! its gonna kill mee!!!!! I haven't gotten your mail yet...
its at the stinking office I hope... its a joke... I might need to
figure out a new system ha ha!
Elder Brock Beyer
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