Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013 "Book of Mormon is opening in Toronto"

Ha ha those are some great pictures from last week! That's for certain ha ha! I loved um! ha ha bubba looks like super skinny but that he is getting like WAY taller, Caden with some LONG hair and everyone else in those pics too ha ha like seriously crazy to see that! and Cars looks great :) :)
This last week was a pretty different week for sure... I am certain that I have come to know my Savior on a new level and am certain that the Lords love is real.
We have been struggling to find new people... which is CRAZY because right when we got here we were tearing it UP! and things were just going incredibly... We found people daily and it was AWESOME and now its not as good as we would hope it to be! And it doesn't really make sense why... because we are outside daily, talking with everyone we see, and we are truly going home every single night EXHAUSTED... and it just doesn't make sense as to why it seems like it isn't paying off.. I really was struggling with this concept, because usually when you do something right, then good things come of it no? but whenever we seemed to be trying our best, the less good things we saw... But I have come to realization that it is seriously more normal than we think! No matter what happens, the LORD ALWAYS HAS A PURPOSE for EVERYTHING! It just simply makes me think of Nephi... and how he would "go and do the things the Lord commanded" even when he "knew not the things before hand" of what he would do... and even with the circumstances... he would go and do things these and STILL, he received trial after trial! He got denied of the plates TWICE, he got beaten by a rod from his brothers, he was mocked, persecuted... and still went on... and AFTER all of that, he kept going and kept being the best that he could be! and then in turn, they received the plates! WE still really haven't seen "the plates" or the blessings of our hard work in a while but I know that the Lord will provide a way... I have come to know patience on my mission ha ha... I feel like waiting has been the HARDEST thing for me but that at the very beginning of my mission I asked Him "Father... I need patience... help me." and He hasn't given me it, but He definitely has given me opportunities to learn in at my own rate! The Lord really does love us and really want whats best for us, no matter what trial is brought upon us... I feel like this letter doesn't really explain well how the Lord works, because I seem to drift when I write ha ha but I know that if something is of God and we need blessings if we continue they will come!
We don't really have too many crazy stories about helping someone into a font this week ha ha but hopefully there will be some good ones in the upcoming weeks!
We are trying to skype for mothers day.. well at least I am ha ha so I will let you know how it goes... I don't know if you want to try and make it so Carsen and I can do it at the same time or just keep it simple and separate but just let me know! This week is the opening week for the Book of Mormon play here in Toronto haha we are STOKED!!!! Its Tuesday night, Us and 2 other companionship's are going to the tether out front and are going to be giving them the REAL opportunity to know the Word of God ha ha! I'll let you know how it goes ha ha we'll have some good experiences I can just feel it :)

I love you all. The gospel is true. I cant say it enough. Good things come to those who patiently wait, and the blessings they honestly always do!

Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013 "Baptism"

That's is some crazy stuff about Coulter... geezz! What a miracle and a half! I'm really glad to hear that he is doing well and that things are going to work out :) he's incredible! BERKLEY IS GOING ON A MISH????? WHERE????? You never told me that one!!! ha ha I wanna know now! that's crazy stuff!!! That's really neat :)
I used my credit card this week to be able to get allergy stuff... I'm dying right now ha ha like it was so bad for a little bit but now its slowly getting better, no worries :)
This week we had probably one of the craziest events EVERRRR happen ha ha! It is going to be a memory forever engraved in my mind ha ha! SO there is this lady, who had been coming to church for weeks in the English ward and just wouldn't get baptized... like just wouldn't... it was really really weird why she wouldn't because she believes in everything! Well the English elders planned for no baptism this week and actually dropped her as an investigator because she wouldn't be baptized but then she would still come to church and everything! Well their church is at 930 and ours is at 1... sooo...... she came to church this last week and we were like man... how has she not been baptized this is ridiculous! ha ha... so we went up and I asked her "so are you going to be baptized today?" and she was like ehhh I dunnoo.... and we were like "well why not? whats the reason? you know its true?" and she was like... "well... umm... I don't have white clothes!" and we went around the corner and got here the stuff... "shes like "umm... the font isn't full"... so we started to fill it... then shes like " I don't have a change of clothes...." and we found a member to take her and get it!!!! so we officially got her concerns solved... only problem is that it takes like 3 hours to fill the font.... hahah well... we all just got like pitchers and pots from the kitchen and just started filling them up in the bathroom and went to town hahaha!! and we filled it by the time she got back in like an hour!! Then I interviewed her and she came, and then got baptized!!! it was INTENSE ha ha!!!! like seriously. They weren't planning on having one but then everything just fell into place, once we were pretty bold with her and told her to just get in! ha ha coolest thing ever! We had like 3 sets of missionaries doing it ha ha! SWEETTTTT...

It built my testimony on how awesome baptism is... seriously... it was the coolest thing that had ever happened. The gospel is REAL... to those who don't believe, trust me. It is! I have just seen more and more experiences of the reality of His love the more I come to Him. This last week was incredible!
I hope that you all are well! Mom... ride my vespa so it doesn't break down ha ha and make sure to change the oil if you wanna go on a big adventure with it ;) ha ha enjoy life! Its the greatest, especially with the family! I LOVE the idea that families are eternal and that God loves us... its SWEET. nothing else can describe it! I love you!
Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013 "Things are great"

Things here in the city are just GREAT as ever haha! Things are really going well! I cant believe that I'm staying haha its really crazy to believe that! I was so happy for Pete! That is really one of the COOLEST things in the world! Baptism is SOO cool... I know that I definitely took it for granted on how great the Atonement is and how important baptism is, in each and everyone of our lives. I love this Gospel and I love the JOY it brings.
I just really really want to talk about a great subject... the Power of the Priesthood.
Now, when I say that I took that for granted too I would not be lying in the slightest... haha DO NOT TAKE THAT FOR GRANTED! How important is the Priesthood? Well... its the power of God himself, its the way that helps us enter into Covenants (or promises between you and God), its the way to be saved, cleansed... EVERYTHING... ITs SOOO COOLL!!!! This last week we actually gave the Aaronic Priesthood to Arturo, one of the people we baptized in February! And it was SWEET! haha... we were able to see the change right away too, right when he received it! We should never take for granted this gift from God... I know that the blessings of the Priesthood are REAL... when we struggle or are sick we can receive blessings to help us. WE CAN BLESS AND PASS THE SACRAMENT!! Do not take for granted the Sacrament either... Its the way to re join ourselves again with our Heavenly Father! Weekly! Uhh.. I just wish that I would have understood that much better when I was younger. Everything with God is Great haha simple enough! Things are what you make of them, and if you want to hate what the church offers, you better understand what it does offer before you hate it haha! If church is "too boring" well.. understand what they are talking about and it will be interesting... "passing and blessing the sacrament is lame" haha... yeah right! you are literally being the servants of God to administer one of the most sacred blessings on this earth to your brothers and sisters... The more we take for granted the blessings of the kingdom, the more we are denying the happiness that the Lord wants us to enjoy!
I know that this church is true... I coasted on my parents testimonies for like 18 years of my life.. but I'm finally to the point where I can truly say that I know that this church is of God... and that everything that we do within is what brings eternal happiness! This Gospel is REAL but so is Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.. And they both love us all so much!
Walk in Righteousness, Stand fast to the Truth. Its Real. I Promise.
I love you so much.
Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013 "I am staying"

So looks like I'm finally getting out of the pattern of changing areas every transfer haha and also changing companions! man, its crazy! I couldn't believe it when i heard that we were staying here ha ha its pretty crazy to think that! I have been here forever it feels like, but it really hasn't been that long! I'm really excited, I love this ward and the people! Its the greatest place ever! 
This last week was a great one! Its always so remarkable to be able to hear the prophets voice! I LOVE general conference ha ha I seriously long for it as a missionary! Its like the best weekend ever in the mission ha ha! So chill and so spiritual! Its the greatest thing ever for reals! I loved so many of the talks, I loved how they talked about OBEDIENCE, MISSIONARY WORK and also FAMILIES. Really so remarkable! Those to me are probably some of the greatest things that are on this earth and we can be able to do all of them TOGETHER! I just want to say that I know right away that obedience is great. I don't understand how people don't want to have happiness and blessings, ha ha it just doesn't make sense to me for reals... ha ha its like a guarantee to blessings! Missionary work is another great thing! Thomas S Monson spoke on the power of it and also on things that we can do to improve ourselves as missionaries and members! There is nothing like hearing the apostles talk about missionaries in the field when you are one ha ha its super rad! Lastly, I Love you all. My family is my dearest joy next to my testimony and the Savior. I love that the family is  eternal and love how the design of them are structured. AHHH :) I love families. I cant wait to have one ha ha!
Speaking of families, I know that baptism and the gospel unify a family more than anything else in this entire world.. For the past couple of months we have been working with this excommunicated member and he was already preparing for baptism for like a year ha ha but we were working with him to just endure to the end... He hasn't been a member for like 16 years or so and the rest of the family is... they have all been waiting for the day of his baptism and his reuniting with the church for SO long! His baptism was yesterday... and let me just say it was the COOLEST experience EVER. Seeing all of the family there, and seeing their brother rejoin not only the church but into the ETERNAL family as well... Words can not express the joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ within the family. I know that this Gospel is real. I KNOW IT. There is nothing that has brought more joy to me then living obediently and understanding the gospel in depth. IT  IS  AMAZING how much the Lord loves us. His love isn't occasional, its NEVER ENDING... Even when we don't see it. Its there, I know it. I love you all and the Savior loves you too. Live the Gospel, and test to see the happiness that comes from it, and I promise you it will be there. As one of His representatives I challenge you to do that!
Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer

Friday, April 5, 2013

Wednesday, April 5, 2013 "Temple Trip"

This next week is transfers.. SO... we'll see what happens with it all
ha ha!! But I'm stoked for Carsen, I hope that everything goes really well
for him and that he gets there all good! ha ha so basically what happened
this last week was... We got to go to the temple! It was suppperrr awesome ha ha we had to get up at like 320 to be able to get there on time... and we had to pick up a couple  companionship's too so that made it a little funny ha ha we were sooo wiped afterwards FOR SURE! So the funniest story that I have is that when we were picking everyone up we were all on time
and then we got to the sisters.... we called and called... and no us and 3  companionship's of elders were like uh oh... they are still asleep... we called and called... no answer.... so we were like oh crap...we better not have to leave them! and this one time a couple of elders had to bring them like their suitcases or something so they knew, that it was on the 3rd floor and that they were in the middle of the hallway! but the door to the apt was obviously locked at like 4 in the morning ha ha so we were like OK lets check the alley way and see if there is even a light on... and some of these elders got the idea to toss some pebbles at the window in order to get their attention or something ha ha... so the only light on that floor that was on they started chucking little rocks at it... and its like 40 feet up and the only thing that we could see was a picture on the wall ha ha way close to the window... and I was like man I hope this is theirs... and I was like is that an army of Helaman picture? and then this elder replied... no that's Lebron James!!! hahaha so we were like oh great! We run back to the car, and guess who we find sitting in the car...
the sisters.... man... it was a joke haha I bet I didn't even explain that good but it was super funny!
Things are getting really amazing here we are trying to find people like crazy and things are slowly starting to happen! We are finding people here and there and we are really excited about the future!
This letter is really crappy I know... sorry ha ha but the next weeks will
  be better! I love you all
forever and always,

Elder B. Beyer