This next week is transfers.. SO... we'll see what happens with it all
ha ha!! But I'm stoked for Carsen, I hope that everything goes really well
for him and that he gets there all good! ha ha so basically what happened
this last week was... We got to go to the temple! It was suppperrr awesome
ha ha we had to get up at like 320 to be able to get there on time... and we had to pick up a couple companionship's too so that made it a little funny ha ha we were sooo wiped afterwards FOR SURE! So the funniest story that I have is that when we were picking everyone up we were all on time

and then we got to the sisters.... we called and called... and no answer...so us and 3 companionship's of elders were like uh oh... they are still asleep... we called and called... no answer.... so we were like oh crap...we better not have to leave them! and this one time a couple of elders had to bring them like their suitcases or something so they knew, that it was on the 3rd floor and that they were in the middle of the hallway! but the door to the apt was obviously locked at like 4 in the morning ha ha so we were like OK lets check the alley way and see if there is even a light on... and some of these elders got the idea to toss some pebbles at the window in order to get their attention or something ha ha... so the only light on that floor that was on they started chucking little rocks at it... and its like 40 feet up and the only thing that we could see was a picture on the wall ha ha way close to the window... and I was like man I hope this is theirs... and I was like is that an army of Helaman picture? and then this elder replied... no that's Lebron James!!! hahaha so we were like oh great! We run back to the car, and guess who we find sitting in the car...

the sisters.... man... it was a joke haha I bet I didn't even explain that good but it was super funny!
Things are getting really amazing here we are trying to find people like crazy and things are slowly starting to happen! We are finding people here and there and we are really excited about the future!
This letter is really crappy I know... sorry ha ha but the next weeks will
be better! I love you all
forever and always,
Elder B. Beyer
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