Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013 "Book of Mormon is opening in Toronto"

Ha ha those are some great pictures from last week! That's for certain ha ha! I loved um! ha ha bubba looks like super skinny but that he is getting like WAY taller, Caden with some LONG hair and everyone else in those pics too ha ha like seriously crazy to see that! and Cars looks great :) :)
This last week was a pretty different week for sure... I am certain that I have come to know my Savior on a new level and am certain that the Lords love is real.
We have been struggling to find new people... which is CRAZY because right when we got here we were tearing it UP! and things were just going incredibly... We found people daily and it was AWESOME and now its not as good as we would hope it to be! And it doesn't really make sense why... because we are outside daily, talking with everyone we see, and we are truly going home every single night EXHAUSTED... and it just doesn't make sense as to why it seems like it isn't paying off.. I really was struggling with this concept, because usually when you do something right, then good things come of it no? but whenever we seemed to be trying our best, the less good things we saw... But I have come to realization that it is seriously more normal than we think! No matter what happens, the LORD ALWAYS HAS A PURPOSE for EVERYTHING! It just simply makes me think of Nephi... and how he would "go and do the things the Lord commanded" even when he "knew not the things before hand" of what he would do... and even with the circumstances... he would go and do things these and STILL, he received trial after trial! He got denied of the plates TWICE, he got beaten by a rod from his brothers, he was mocked, persecuted... and still went on... and AFTER all of that, he kept going and kept being the best that he could be! and then in turn, they received the plates! WE still really haven't seen "the plates" or the blessings of our hard work in a while but I know that the Lord will provide a way... I have come to know patience on my mission ha ha... I feel like waiting has been the HARDEST thing for me but that at the very beginning of my mission I asked Him "Father... I need patience... help me." and He hasn't given me it, but He definitely has given me opportunities to learn in at my own rate! The Lord really does love us and really want whats best for us, no matter what trial is brought upon us... I feel like this letter doesn't really explain well how the Lord works, because I seem to drift when I write ha ha but I know that if something is of God and we need blessings if we continue they will come!
We don't really have too many crazy stories about helping someone into a font this week ha ha but hopefully there will be some good ones in the upcoming weeks!
We are trying to skype for mothers day.. well at least I am ha ha so I will let you know how it goes... I don't know if you want to try and make it so Carsen and I can do it at the same time or just keep it simple and separate but just let me know! This week is the opening week for the Book of Mormon play here in Toronto haha we are STOKED!!!! Its Tuesday night, Us and 2 other companionship's are going to the tether out front and are going to be giving them the REAL opportunity to know the Word of God ha ha! I'll let you know how it goes ha ha we'll have some good experiences I can just feel it :)

I love you all. The gospel is true. I cant say it enough. Good things come to those who patiently wait, and the blessings they honestly always do!

Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer

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