are CRAZY pictures ha ha! I was in aw when I saw all of them!
How is your zone doing?
Super GOOD right now we are still on the upward climb right now and
there are some really good things happening here! We are really working
hard and the zone is doing the same thing. The District Leaders are
really helping us out to make everyone stay
on the same page with everything as well.
Are they catching the vision of working hard?
Are they catching the vision of working hard?
Absolutely. They are doing incredibly.
Did you know Carsen's new companion that came from the Toronto Stake?
Did you know Carsen's new companion that came from the Toronto Stake?
What is the funniest thing that happened this week?
Hmm.. Well we tracted a door and this Polish lady answered and then
her Indian (From India) Husband came over and they started talking to
each other "Behind our backs" in Chinese and Elder Bramwell started
talking to them haha. It was pretty weird. More
like "What the Heck?" kind of moment but still really funny.
What is the most spiritual thing that happened this week?
What is the most spiritual thing that happened this week?
We have been teaching a lot of people and they are really
understanding the Gospel. One is a kid named Isaac and he is doing
great. He wants to go to BYU and is working with us to understand more
about what we believe as Mormons. Its just really fun to
look at someone and promise them that there is something better if they
ACT. I think that is the biggest thing that was incredible, promising
him that living the Word of Wisdom will bless him so much.
Thanks for sending me some questions to answer, it makes it so much
easier to write letters that way haha. I honestly never know what to
say when we sit down for emails anymore haha. I really don't. The week
has been great and I know that some miracles
are about to occur here in London!
We are really starting to see the momentum switch and really start to be something incredible. I think my favorite thing about it all is when we are up there instructing there is just a HUGE amount of missionaries sitting up there and we have them all working towards the cause of becoming better. Its great.
Well the time is FLYING. I really cant believe how fast it goes
sometimes and just cant believe that we have been as fortunate as we
have been lately to see the blessings in our lives. The Lord is really
hastening His work and I know that all of have the
blessing of being a part of it! I love you all so much!
Forever and Always,
Elder B Beyer
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