Mom, something really funny is that I memorized that scripture
already and I recite it to myself lots. I love that scripture. Its the
best one to share with people going through a hard time. I love it.(John 14:27)
Man, I laughed SO hard about that story of Caden at Pepper Bellys
hahah, I thought it was so funny!
How were your leadership meetings this week?
It was really good. We stayed the night at the Kitchener Zone
Leaders apt, so E Prochnow and E Parker. haha it was really fun! But the
whole meeting went great, we got some really good insight on how we
will be able to improve the zone a little more and
it seems that everything will be very applicable to what we have planned
up to now.
Have you gotten any new investigators?
We have found a few new this week yes. The way we do is mainly through tracting. I love it so much. Its so fun.
How is the garbage in the living room and you taking a few things each day?
That night we walked into the house and threw it all away haha.
Its been out since Christmas. Its really great now though, the Spirit
can be felt :)
What do you think of your ward?
I love it, the Bishop and Bishopric are incredible. They have a
HUGE missionary focus and they are working on making it happen now. I
really enjoy the ward. They feed us like crazy so no real complaints
there either. We are having a really great time.
This week E Bramwell and I got up and bore our testimonies to introduce
ourselves a little more, and it really turned out great. We are loving
it thus far.
How big is the ward?
like 130 active members on average are there.
Its been a great week to be a missionary in the Canada Toronto
Mission. No complaints on my behalf. I really have been loving it. We
are working hard, really trying to focus on what is going on and our
whole theme right now is to "Move the Needle". My
comp and I have come in and are really trying to just make sure that
things occur and that only comes if you are on top of it. We have been
fortunate enough to see some great things happen as the missionaries
rally around a common objective to be able to really
help others come unto Christ. Our zone has the goal of baptizing 10
people in the month of January and this week has proved to be a great
one as we have started strong with 3 yesterday. I can not wait to see
what is in store for the London Zone.
In our area we are working with lots of really great people. Some
aren't as... willing as others, but overall they are incredible people
who essentially could be members of the church. I think my favorite part
about English work is that reason right there...
that anyone you teach is a potential person that you can teach and bring
into the Gospel. Its really exciting. But there is one named Isaac who
is really incredible. He came to us and wanted to give us summaries of
what he has previously read in the Book of
Mormon just so he could make sure he was really getting everything out
of it. He was so detailed as he explained Nephi's story and said "Did I
miss anything?" It was so funny and incredible. I know there are
prepared people out there who are waiting to hear
the message of the gospel.
This week E Bramwell and I went tracting on a street.. now this
street immediately was my favorite one yet, solely based on its name..
"BROCK STREET" haha. It was very funny because the parallel street to it
just happened to be "STEPHEN STREET"... It made
me truly feel like I was sent here for a reason hahah. but it was funny
and great, so the first house we knocked just happened to be this happy
guy who let us in from the cold and was more than willing to have a
conversation about Christ with him. Now this
story is not going to go in the way that you think.. But he ended up
being a Pastor from a church and knew his Bible to the T... Now.. the
reason i tell this story is because we went back and forth discussing
different insights from the Bible and different
views that other religions and Christians have towards this one book..
this man had studied and been a pastor for over 15 years while my
companion and I both had never picked up nor read really in depth the
bible until about 2 years ago haha.. and even then
not that much.. but I knew as we conversed and stayed up to pace with
him that he knew that we knew that what we shared was true. I love
opportunities like that to really "Put My Faith On the Line" and see
what comes out of it. Over the time that I have served
I have come to really know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ and
that this is Their Church on the earth. I witness that with all of my
heart and know that what we do now really does effect our future. I'm all
about the Karma gig, and know that we get
what we go for. Before leaving there, the man accepted a Book of Mormon
and said that he'd give it a shot. To really read and try to come to
know of the truth.
I love you and hope that you are well with life. If there is anything I can do for you, just let me know!
Much love forever and always,
Elder B. Beyer
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