Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012 "Hit by a Car"

So I didn't get a coat yet... but I used the credit card!!! I had to buy inhalers... I was dying ha ha!!! I got the emergency one and also the one that I take twice a day to reduce everything down so I don't need them! All I have to say is to tell Blair to keep true to the stache hahah that's DOPE! I love staches.. I wanna grow one :( once I can I will though! But nope, ma your one week off... We will know next week if we are here or not! Close though! I really don't know what to think.. So I don't hahah I just will do whatever is best ya know?? Guess what... Piano is SLOWLY coming back! I can read really slowly and it most of the time is really crappy but its a process like everything good in life. 
Honestly this week was not as great as expected... We had 3 really solid investigators at the start and now we have 0 ha ha... its how it goes sometimes out here... But we are really working hard to get some new people and I know that the Lord will help... so I will keep you posted on how everyone is doing when we find them! 
Quick things... One I got so much stuff in the mail the other day ha ha I got all of your stuff and yeah I'm stoked to do open them up :) ha ha but yeah it was really cool to see all of that stuff! Also we ate at that Spanish place "El Ranchito" and I swear there is a picture in there that we have in our house ha ha I took a picture with it! so you tell me if i was right! 

Lastly, haha funny story... So we were riding bikes again and we were going across town right.. and we were at a T intersection with lights directing everything. and we were crossing over the bottom part of one intersection if that makes sense and the through street (top of the T) was green... so we had the clear to go.. well Elder Vanderstel was leading the way right hahaha... I'm sorry its so funny haha and there was this lady trying to turn RIGHT.... and we were coming from that way... and she was looking ONLY LEFT... because it was one lane only.. well he gets about half way out and guess who doesn't see him.... if you guess the car you are corrrrrecccctt ha ha! He got... I wouldn't say rammed cause he went from up on the bike directly to the ground... but he got hit pretty hard Ha... and he got up and was totally good.. and we were laughing SO hard afterward cause it was seriously so awkward looking and just sooooo crazy!! ! HE GOT HIT BY A STINKIN CAR!!!! It was living proof that God is watching over us... it was a funny experience cause he walked away... FINE... we played soccer after wards.... he played... seriously that's proof enough that this church is true.. and we need to be here... I love you... Sorry this letter stinks... but know that this Gospel is true. BECOME CONVERTED and find JOY... Loves...
Forever and Always,
Elder Beyer :))

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