Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Toronto, Canada (Spanish)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013 "Things are great"

Things here in the city are just GREAT as ever haha! Things are really going well! I cant believe that I'm staying haha its really crazy to believe that! I was so happy for Pete! That is really one of the COOLEST things in the world! Baptism is SOO cool... I know that I definitely took it for granted on how great the Atonement is and how important baptism is, in each and everyone of our lives. I love this Gospel and I love the JOY it brings.
I just really really want to talk about a great subject... the Power of the Priesthood.
Now, when I say that I took that for granted too I would not be lying in the slightest... haha DO NOT TAKE THAT FOR GRANTED! How important is the Priesthood? Well... its the power of God himself, its the way that helps us enter into Covenants (or promises between you and God), its the way to be saved, cleansed... EVERYTHING... ITs SOOO COOLL!!!! This last week we actually gave the Aaronic Priesthood to Arturo, one of the people we baptized in February! And it was SWEET! haha... we were able to see the change right away too, right when he received it! We should never take for granted this gift from God... I know that the blessings of the Priesthood are REAL... when we struggle or are sick we can receive blessings to help us. WE CAN BLESS AND PASS THE SACRAMENT!! Do not take for granted the Sacrament either... Its the way to re join ourselves again with our Heavenly Father! Weekly! Uhh.. I just wish that I would have understood that much better when I was younger. Everything with God is Great haha simple enough! Things are what you make of them, and if you want to hate what the church offers, you better understand what it does offer before you hate it haha! If church is "too boring" well.. understand what they are talking about and it will be interesting... "passing and blessing the sacrament is lame" haha... yeah right! you are literally being the servants of God to administer one of the most sacred blessings on this earth to your brothers and sisters... The more we take for granted the blessings of the kingdom, the more we are denying the happiness that the Lord wants us to enjoy!
I know that this church is true... I coasted on my parents testimonies for like 18 years of my life.. but I'm finally to the point where I can truly say that I know that this church is of God... and that everything that we do within is what brings eternal happiness! This Gospel is REAL but so is Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.. And they both love us all so much!
Walk in Righteousness, Stand fast to the Truth. Its Real. I Promise.
I love you so much.
Forever and Always,
Elder B. Beyer

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